Chapter 7

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“So last night was fun.” Justin says. He didn’t join them in Mac’s room but that was because he was packing, ready to leave in a couple days for University of Washington. He was excited to be a doctor and he was also hoping to find his mate.

“Shut up.” Mac says, she was sitting on the counter her legs swinging of the edge. She was actually in good enough shape that today she didn’t use her wheel chair.

“No really, it was.” Justin says laughing.

“Just eat your breakfast.” Mac says scarfing down her own eggs.

“So what do you have planned today?” Trent asks.

“The pack meeting, then probably sleeping.” Mac says, she may be able to stand but she knew she couldn’t go running in War form.

“Sounds exciting.” Trent says.

“Mac?” Cooper says coming in through the door. He looked tired and sad, it hurt Mac to see him like this.

“Yes?” Mac says looking down at her plate.

“Are you still mad at me?” Cooper asks, he came over lifting Mac’s chin so they could look each other in the eye.  “I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to do it.” Cooper pleaded.

“I know, which is why I’m not mad at you anymore.” Mac says placing a small kiss on his lips. He smiles deepening the kiss.

“I love you.” Cooper says.

“Love you to.” Mac says, both hear the aww’s coming from the room. She giggles hiding her face in Cooper’s shoulder.

“Because you love me so much you would drop everything tomorrow and go on a weekend getaway with me?” Cooper asks. Mac looks up, they have never been alone together for days, it excited her and made her nervous.

“Yes, where are we going?” Mac asks.

“It is a surprise.” Cooper says. “But I do have to leave to go plan it.” He gives Mac one last kiss before running out of the room. A new look on his face. He makes a grunting sound outside the door the others in the room not guessing why. They figured it out that it was Gage he ran into and that was why he made the sound.

“So he’s leaving?” Gage questions.

“Yes to go plan a romantic weekend for Mac.” Ethan says a smirk on his face.

“How could you forgive him?” Gage asks in an angry tone.

“Why are you getting angry, of course I forgave him, I love him.” Mac says.

“But you can’t.” Gage says.

“Why? Why can’t I love him? Or is it that you think he can’t love me?” Mac asks.

“Mac.” Jason pants running in the room.

“What.” Mac shouts, but by the look on Jason’s face sober ups instantly.

“Vampires, a lot, the south end.” Jason says.

“Have they bitten anybody?” Mac asks.

“Two, and it is only getting worse.” Jason says.

“Nobody is going, that is an order.” Mac says leaving the room. She couldn’t get her head around the fact that vampires were attacking her pack. They have bitten and attacked her before but that wasn’t a whole pack. She steps out the door teleporting to the spot.

“Aren’t you guys going?” Gage shouts following Mac.

“You can’t.” Jason says stopping Gage.

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