Chapter 1

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I was awoken from my slumber by rhythmical knocking on my door, courtesy of my elder brother Evan. As I slowly cracked my eyes open, the door opened and there was a creak; I wasn't sure if the creak had come from the door or my eyes.

The smiling, idiotic face of my brother peeped round the door. Even though he was a year older than me, his face was still childlike with a grin made for mischief.

'Ah, good. You're awake!" Sometimes I wonder if we really are related, Evan is a morning person... actually he is an anytime of the day person. He is optomistic, always glass half full, he see's only the good in people which sometimes can be a foolish trait. He has an identical personality to our parents, so I balance the family out with my pessimism.

"Mom and Dad have gone to work already. So I left you to sleep as long as I could." Evan said coming and sitting down on my bed beside me. Mum is an English professer at the nearby university and our father is a professer in Ancient Greek History and Mythology, which explains mine and Evans names.

"You know me so well." I mumble and try to roll over to go back to sleep. 

"Yes I do so get out of bed little sister! You can't be late for your first day as a junior!" He starts tickling me knowing that I am extremely ticklish, and I almost end up falling off my bed thanks to my body spasming.

"Evander!" I yelled, I only ever use his first name if I'm annoyed or angry with him and right now I am both. If there is one thing I hate more than being woken up at 7am: it is being tickled.

"In the car by 8 or I will be the most annoying and embarrassing big brother all day."  

"Like normal then?" I fire back at him, sitting up and rubbing my eyes as they try to adjust to the brightness in my room.

"Oh no much worse, not only will I follow you all day; I will introduce you to everyone I know, walk you to class and talk to every teacher about you, introduce you to the football team, both junior and senior, and for the finale, at lunch time I will get on a table and shout out how you are my baby sister and everyone has to be nice to you because you are fragile and then I will tell one of your horrific baby stories." He said, counting the ways on his fingers. I pushed him off the bed and swung my legs out.

"8 AM!" Evan yelled once more as he exited the room, leaving me to get ready.


I slumped out of the door at 7:59, Evan was already leant against his classic red 1965 Ford mustang trying to soak up the last of the summer sun. I knew that his threat was probably empty, but I wasn't taking any chances.

My brother and I look very similar yet we are so different. He was over 6ft tall which to me made him a giant as I was 5'6. We had the same nose and mouth shape; the same chocolate brown hair, mine flowing down to halfway down my back in waves and his a messy mop which still manages to look good. We also had the same big brown eyes, but his look like chocolate whereas mine look like mud.

"Well done munchkin." He chuckled, I just rolled my eyes and trudged round to the passenger side whilst he slid into the drivers seat. Evan had many nicknames for me, other people thought this was cute and affectionate; I on the other hand hated it.

Seeings as technically it was still summer, 31st of August, the roof of the car was down. The drive to school consisted of all time low's music and Evan informing me about the new building.

Our school was over populated, so they decided to make two buildings. Previously I was in building 1 which was the building for freshman and sophomores, now all of my classes are in building 2, which as I'm sure you have all figured out is the building for juniors and seniors. Evan kept glancing over at me every time we came to a stop, I knew he was looking to see if I was freaking out about the new building as I'm sure many others are at this moment. I could see the worry in his face (even though I am sure he thought he was concealing it well; another thing about my brother: he can't keep anything from me.) As he told me encouraging things like 'everyone is going to love you' and 'everyone is really nice' which I highly doubted, I stared at the sky silently.

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