Chapter 4

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Last lesson may be one of the best I.T lessons i have ever had. Like a stereotypical girl, i could not work with computers at all. My knowledge only stretches as far as twitter, tumblr and word. It became apparent that i wasn't the only one who had no interest in this lesson at all as Calum had the same mind blown look on his face that im sure i had when the teacher was talking. Luke concentrated, not letting Calum distract him -  halfway into the teachers lecture i had joined in trying to distract him as it looked a whole lot more fun than listening to the teachers montone drone.

"I'm going to murder you Cal." Luke whispered. Calum looked outraged that his friend was threatening him.

"What about Athena?!"

"You're a bad influence on her. It isn't her fault." He replied cooly, not even looking away from the board. I stuck my tounge out at Calum and he sunk down in his chair obviously having a little sulk.

"So what was going on with you and Ashton at the end of lunch?" Luke asked whilst doing the work the teacher had set.

"He wanted me to apologise or something for the dog remark i made." I sighed. 

"And did you?" 

"Did I hell." I replied chuckling. 

"And you got away from him?" Calum joined in the conversation with his mouth slightly hanging open in awe. 

"Yes, what was he going to do, pin me to the bleachers until i apologised."

"Well, it is Ashton..." Luke replied. 

The bell rang for the end of the day and the boys dragged me all the way out into the parking lot. From there i had to lead to where Evan and Michael were parked. Luckily for me, i spotted the pink hair as soon as i left the school building. We all seperated into our cars and said our temporary goodbyes. 

"So who did you invite tonight?" I asked Evan wanting to know what i would be dealing with tonight. 

"Just the people at lunch." He replied casually.

"So Michael, Luke and Calum?" I asked. 

"And Ashton." Evan added with a shrug. I purposefully had left out his name hoping that he was kidding or wouldn't know where our house was.

"Oh cool." 

"Is Blair coming?"

"No he had an appointment." I told him, trying not to let the disapointment seep into my voice. 

The rest of the car ride home assisted of meaningless chitchat and out of tune singing by Evan; the car ride made me feel a bit sick honestly. I just hoped that i wasn't coming down with something as it was only the first day of school.  I was surprised to see that no one was at our house when we got there but i didn't say anything, I unlocked the door and ran into my room; just to run out again and into the bathroom where i threw up the little that i had eaten today.

I threw 3 peices of chewing gum in my mouth and changed into my pyjama shorts and a long sleeved top. I got into bed hoping that laying down for a bit would soothe my stomach. About 15 minutes of peace later the sound of the doorbell rang through the house. I strained to hear who was on the other side of the door. 

"Michael, the door is open." Evan sighed.

"It wasn't me it was Luke." I heard him accuse. I laughed to myself as i could picture them in my head right now. Luke would be stood next to Michael grinning sheepishly as if to say 'oops' whilst Michael points his finger in Luke's face with an outraged look on his face that Evan thinks he would ring a doorbell. Meanwhile all this is happening Calum would just be stood behind them, not the least bit interested in the family blame game. Seconds later i heard a clattering of something being knocked over or onto the floor which clearly indicates that Michael is in the house. Shortly after Evan became friends with the clumsy and reckless boy, Mom and Dad nailed everything breakable down and removed valuables from sides as we knew from experience that if it moved it was most likely to end up on the floor. 

My window which was facing the garden was open so i could hear them all in the back garden, talking about the BBQ and how their days had gone. The conversation went on until i heard cheering, the only time this cheering happens is when someone arrives - meaning Ashton was here. 

The boyish talking carried on, this time with quite a bit of input from Ashton. This was all distracting me from the little nap i was trying to take. When everything went quiet, it worried me. Minutes later there was a knocking at my door. 

"Who is it?" I called out, then the door just flew open and Michael walked in. 

"Why are you in bed munchkin?" He asked looking thoroughly puzzled.

"Not feeling too good Mikey." I told him, purposefully leaving out the gory details of my sickness.

"Aw, come down stairs so we can look after you?" He pleaded, coming and sitting on my bed next to me as my brother had done this morning. 

"I don't think I'm up to it." I admitted. 

"I will carry you?" He offered.

"Piggy-back?" I asked, slightly cheered up. Hey, i'm a 17 year old girl, piggy-back offers are few and far between.

"Okay, only for you though." He said and stood with his back facing me so i could climb on. 

When we arrived downstairs everyone looked at us weirdly. Michael put me down near the outdoor table and then the questions began. 

"Why was Michael carrying you?" Calum asked.

"Why are you in pyjama's?" Evan asked at the same time as Calum. 

"Guys, guys. Leave the poor baby alone." Michael said hugging me(thankfully not as tight as earlier today) and trying to sheild me with his body.

"She isn't a baby, Michael." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Are either of you going to answer our questions?" Evan prompted, Michael looked at me and i gave him a look telling him to explain instead of me.

"I found baby-doll here in bed, hence the pyjamas, and she isn't feeling very well so i offered to carry her out here so at least we can keep an eye on her." He explained. Calum oohed and Evan just nodded. Michael and I sat down, but Mikey took the chair next to Luke asking him about family things which meant that i had to sit next to Ashton. But honestly right now i didn't care who i was next to, i just needed to sit down before i fell over. Everybody went on talking normally and i tried to focus but i kept spacing out. After a while Evan lighted the BBQ and started cooking. Everyone helped themselves but i didn't leave my chair. After all of the boys had finished their first hotdog Evan noticed that i hadn't eaten so he slid a hotdog over to me. 

The smell of it was all it took to upset my stomach again and i bolted from my chair into the house. God knows how i managed to run on my legs as the felt about as stable as jelly,. But i made it to the downstairs toilet. About a minute later someone ran in after me and pulled my hair back whilst i was futher emptying my stomach. When i felt like i was finished my eyelids had hooded my eyes so i could only half see out of them. I felt like i couldnt move, i had absolutely no engery so i just flopped against the cold tiled wall. 

I expected the person to be holding my hair back to be Evan, or even Michael. So I was baffled to see the concerned look on Ashtons face as he pushed the hair that he had let go out of my face to try and cool me down. 

"Ashton, leave." I begged.

"Athena." He sighed. 

"No." I tried to sound firm but i just couldn't. "No one should have to see this mess." 

"Just... shh Thea." In my state i hadn't realised that he had called me by my nickname. "Do you feel like you are going to be sick again?" He asked.

"No." i said faintly.

"Okay, close your eyes. I'm going to take you to your room." I did as i was told and then i felt arms go around me and pick me up so i was cradled to his chest. If this was any other situation i would fight until i fell out of his grasp, but right now he was taking care of me and taking me to the one place i wanted to be: my room. 

My head fell against his chest as i felt sleep begining to take over, the last thing i felt before the blackness of sleep took over was the familiar feeling of my bed. 

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