Chapter 15 - Teasing

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Jen's pov
When I finally made my way out of the shop, I came outside to find no sign of Colin. 'What the hell?' I thought. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

J: hey Colin, where are you?? xx

C: sorry, had to go to the bathroom. Meet me at the coffee shop xx

J: k, c u there xx

I put my phone away and make my way to the little coffee shop nearby. I see him sitting at a table and walk over to him and sit down. We order some coffee and talk. We leave again and buy some more things. When it's 5.30 pm, we decide to go home. On our way back, we stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things. When we're finally home, Colin starts making dinner. I go upstairs, get my clothes off, slip on the red lingerie and slip on my clothes again. When I'm back downstairs, I walk to the kitchen and wrap my arms around Colin from behind.

"What are you making?"


"Mm, kay."

I take my phone and take a picture of Colin cooking. Then I open Instagram and post the picture. 'Colin making some friendly dinner' I write under it. From the moment it's posted, I get hundreds of likes and comments. I put my phone away again and wait till Colin finished making dinner.

An hour after dinner, I pretendto fall. Colin rushed over towards me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just my ankle hurts a bit."

"Here. Let me carry you to the couch."

"Actually, I'd like to go to bed early. I'm kinda tired. Can you carry me upstairs and help me get changed?"

"Sure." He carried me upstairs and laid me down on the bed. He took my pajamas and walked back to me. "Do I need to help you?" he asked.

"Yes. With these pants. My ankle is really sore and-" he cut me off with his lips.

"Just shut up. I'll help." He took off my pants and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Wanna see the rest?" I asked, still giggling.

"Wait, you didn't really fall?"

"Maybe," I laughed innocently.

"Jennifer Marie Morrison, you're gonna pay for that one."

"Hmm, really?"

"Yes," he said and he ripped off my shirt. "Will you be a good girl?" he asked.


"Mm, good. Turn over." I did as I was told and his hands caressed my ass. Suddenly, his hands were gone and a second later, I feel his hand slap my ass. I arch my back at the sudden stinging. It wasn't soft, but id didn't hurt me. It brought me pleasure. He slapped my ass a few more times. Then he turned me over again so I was facing him. "Now, are we going to tease me like that again?"

I didn't reply, just looked at him teasingly and bit my lip.

"You're gonna be the death of me," he said and quickly took off his own clothes. He stood between my legs and quickly entered me. I gasped. He movedfast and hard. I moaned loud. A little bit later, I climaxed with him following right after.


Did you really think that I would continue on the ring-thing ??
Well, you thought wrong 😂😂
There's not gonna be a thing about it just yet ... 😉 wait a little longer ... ot maybe a few years. Or a few decades ... 😈😈

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Till next chapter.

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