Chapter 11

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(ok so we have 600 reads!?!?!?!?! OMG YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!)

Marks POV

Why?WHY?!? why does Jack have to go through all of this?! He never deserved any of it. I can't change what happened, But I can prevent something like this from happening again. So to do what i do best, I let him cry on my shoulder and get all of his sadness out. (great word play me T_T) I wish we could go somewhere and have fun. So we don't have to worry about anyone judging us, so we could just have fun and leave this drama out. "M-mark I'm sorry, I always cry it must annoy you." He said sadly while sitting up a little. I wiped away some stray tears and kissed his eyes. "Yes at times you can annoy me,that is one of the many reasons I love you. But this....isn't one of those times you aren't annoying me." I said sweetly and continued to kiss his eyes as tears were still coming out. He soon started giggling and trying to push me off. I was now kissing him all over his face. ":laughs: Mark S-stop!"  "BUT YOUR SO CUTE WHEN YOUR GIGGLING LIKE THAT!!!" I said half jokingly while kissing him still. "Hey I don't giggle I laugh like a man!" he said laughing at the end and wiggling out of my grasp. "Nooooo let meh wov uuuu!!" I yelled in a silly voice.

"Ye have to catch me first Markimoo." I blushed at the nickname. As Jack darted off I soon left my trance and chased after him. He was hiding.... "Jackaboy come out come out where ever you are!" I started looking all over Jacks room when I heard soft giggling from the closet. "Hmmm I wonder why this closet is giggling?" I asked in a silly voice then opened the closet doors. There was a little Jack sitting in it laughing and fake screaming. "HAHA I got  you! Now your punishment is having to go cuddle with me for the rest of the day." I said while helping him up. "I guess you could say I'm coming out of the closet."Jack said. We both laughed at his,very fitting,statement.  We made our way downstairs and started watching Steven Universe. After about five episodes we got up got dressed, and went to a park. Well not 'a' park THE park. Jacks special place, which is now both of our special place. We became boyfriends there, I made him mine.As we were walking we came across to girls one was on the ground crying while the other was beating the shit out of some dude. We rand over and the dude some girl was beating up ran away. "What happened are you ok?!" I asked the girl on the ground, She was African American with short black hair,A red shirt,black vest, black skirt, and some red shoes. 'Y-yeah I'm fine-" but was cut off by the other girl running up to her and asking a million questions a second.She had short brown hair,pale skin,a black and red hoodie, black bennie,black skinny jeans,and red converse. "Lashaunda are you ok?!" She asked. "Yes Cameran I'm fine." They hugged then who I guess was Cameran started kissing some cuts Lashaunda had. "What happened?" Jack asked. "Some ass hat beat up my girlfriend and I beat the shit out of him. ...OH sorry i didn't introduce my self, I'm Cameran and this is my girlfriend Lashaunda." (i wish >~<) "Hi I'm Mark and this is my boyfriend Jack." We all waved at one another. 


Cameran and Lashaunda are really cool! We hung out after the whole park thing and it was fun,but we had to go home sooner or later. As Jack and I were cuddling in his bed I started thinking how lucky I was to have him. To call him mine. To tell him i love him. Like right now, I have this adorable baby muffin cuddled up in my lap. I know it sounds cliche, but I don't ever want to let him go. I wish this moment, could last forever but if it did then I would miss all the other times we will have like this. My thoughts were cut off by soft snores. I leaned down and kissed Jacks head, I then whispered"I love you baby muffin." Then I let sleep take over, but this time i didn't have nightmares. I was having a good dream.... if you get my drift ;).

(HEY!!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter and should i write smut? would y'all want that let me know! Also 600 FUCKING READS?!?!?!?!?! THAT IS AWESOME I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! ok im going to say this when this book gets.... 900 reads i will do a face revel? that is reasonable right? yeah i think so. but as always i will see you guys in the next chapter BUH BYE!!!! <3)

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