Chapter Twelve: Little bunny...

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Chapter Twelve: Little bunny...

As soon as Anton stepped out Sandra's temporary room, his sweet and kind mood plummeted. Anton's soft features instantly turned cold and stern when he closed the bedroom door. What Sandra told him about how she suddenly became ill did not convince Anton enough to believe her. Tis more to the story.... Anton chanted in his head over and over again while walking his way downstairs in searching for the evil being that made his life a living hell during the past years.

Scent of home cooked food hits Anton's nose and made his stomach growl; however, the need of food was not strong enough to keep him from the task at hand. He passed the empty rooms and halls until he ended up in front of a closed door leading into Doc's study. Doc barely uses it, and also barely closes the door.

Anton did not hesitate to open the door to see the blonde Melusine, sitting and reading a dusty book on different herbs and medicine. "Why?" said Anton as he slowly closed the door behind him.

"Why, what?" Francine did not bother to look up from the boring book in her hand, instead, she kept her eyes anywhere else but him. Knowing that she will fall under his spell and become weak under his stare- like any other woman.

Anton did not step close to the blonde beauty, instead, away from her. Even when his heart is no longer Francine's, the blonde Melusine can still get under his skin with just one touch. "Why did you poison, Sandra?"

Francine slowly looked up towards the handsome man while biting her bottom lip to keep the sinister grin off her face. "Poison? Why would I do such a thing? Não é como se ela não merece isso.." Even when she spoke the words correctly, her English accent would still confuse a common Portugal.

Anton picked up a few words from her sentence, making his hands clench into a tight fist- causing his knuckles to turn white. "You wrench-"

Francine set the book to the side before standing to her feet, however, did not dare to take a single step towards the angry man. "I have done what is right, Anton."

"No! You almost killed her, Francine. Are you insane? Sandra has done nothing to deserve this." Anton stated before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. The urge of strangling Francine to death was stronger than the betrayal and pain he felt.

Francine stern face softens from his words, "You love her," the phrase was more like a statement then question.

"What? I-"

"I saw the way you look at her, the way you speak of her. For the past days before you took your voyage, I did mostly everything to keep you two away from each other; but, it did not work. You love Sandra.." And she loves you... Francine wanted to say, but her cold heart and harsh tongue did not allow her to do so.

Anton unclenched his fist before saying, "I-I care for Sandra."

Francine shook her head as her lips turn into a tugged into her signature grin. "Good, keep convincing yourself that you care for the girl. The more you do that, the less your heart will beat for Sandra."

For the first time since he's been back, Anton stepped into Francine's space with an unpleased look. "Stay away from Sandra. If you ever pull this off again, I will hurt you; physically and emotionally."

"Oh Anton," said Francine while her cold fingers touched his thin shirt. "Have your mother ever told you not to harm a woman."

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