Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dangerous Desires...

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dangerous Desires...

Red marks wrapped around her neck like a scarf as she walked through the dark hall of her home, her hands clenched into tight fist as she cursed everything and everyone. Her platinum blonde hair covered her back like a blanket, her pale skin became even paler as of she was ghost from the cold air. Although the hall and the stones under her feet were as cold as ice, she was not effected since her veins were hot as lava.

Anger clouded her judgment and vengeance coursed through her veins, causing the vicious beauty to grinned her teeth together and pace back and forth in the cold dark hall. She could not sleep, nor focus on the main thing at the moment- which was to satisfy her husband. Not even that could keep her from thinking about the couple that ruined her. The couple that tainted her even from far away.

The clanging of chains sounded in the distance as well as a rusty door opening. Foot steps echoes off the walls as the woman's old butler with his hunched back, gray hair and pale skin as if her was a ghost- walked into the dark hall to only stop in his tracks to see his employer occupying the area. "Oh my, Miss Dorn- I did not know you were up."

Francine growled at the old man before saying, "What do you want Gregory?"

Gregory cleared his throat before showing the rusty old metal keys in his hands that sound like chains from far away. "I came to take out the wine from the cellar, for you and Mister Dorn's gathering tomorrow night."

Once again Francine growled out in frustration, "Tell me Gregory, do you think a girls heart is as fragile as men think?"

"Well," Gregory paused before answering, considering he always has to walk on eggshells around the beautiful woman. "Many believe women do, but some women do not."

"Then why is my heart torn, Gregory?"

"Torn, miss?" Gregory questioned.

Francine stopped her pacing to send a glare towards the old man, "Tell me Gregory, can you still travel by horseback?"

Gregory cleared his throat before saying, "Unfortunately Miss Francine, I can not. However, my son can."

"Excellent. Have one of the servants prepare a horse and send your son out to deliver a message." A sinister smile spread across Francine's face as her nails released itself from her soft palms, blood dropped down her wrist and onto the stone floor- but the platinum blonde hair woman did not care of her blood, she only cared if her enemy's blood that would soon drain from her body.

Dark red hot thick liquid cascade down his pale arms like milk, his chest heaved up and down as he took breaths of stale moldy air. He circled the unconscious body hanging from the stone ceiling by his wrist. Blood pooled under his feet from his open wounds and mouth.

The devious man smirked in satisfactory when he noticed the hanging man was suffering in front of him. "Are you awake?" The man taunted while gripping the choice of weapon in his hands, a leather wipe that can tear a man's skin off with one lash.

The hanging man groaned for mercy, dwell and blood escaped his lips as his eyes fluttered open but then closed from the stinging dim light from the lit candle in the corner of he moldy room. "Genade alstublieft..." The hanging man mumbled in his native tongue- Dutch. "Ik zal alles doen, dan kunt u." He whimpered even more, begging his way out of this mess he gotten into.

"I don not speak Dutch, but from the way you're speaking- you're begging me to spare your life." The devious man chuckled as a sinister smile spread across his face. "You've done awful things, you brought terror to my island..."

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