Chapter Twenty: Witch in the storm....

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Chapter Twenty: Witch in the storm....

Crushing of old dead fall leaves echoed in the quiet forest from their feet, they ran along the straight path while dodging trees, branches bushes and other objects of nature that can easily take them down. Sandra could not help but giggle as she ran faster away from the handsome man on her tail. If she was not wearing a dress, she would of been miles away from Anton... what she would say at the moment; knowing Anton was extremely fast and would eventually catch her rather or not she's wearing dress.

Anton was teasing her, purposely slowing down once he was hot on her tail. A game it was... Fox and Hound.. Anton called it, being that Sandra was the vixen while Anton was the aroused dog running after his prey. It felt like miles to her since she had short legs and definitely lost her running legs, considering that it's been years since she ran like this. To Anton it was just a stroll through the park, since he has long strong legs and a body that's built for such activities.

Finally, Anton caught his vixen by wrapping his long arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground. "Gotcha," he said with such pride and silliness in his voice.

Sandra was a giggling mess at the moment, she couldn't contain herself from smiling at the fun they were having. It felt like she was kid again, playing by the end of the forest with her two friends; Nala and Khari. Just the thought of her childhood friends not able to see her till this day; to see her happiness with a man she wants to spend her whole life with- plummets Sandra's good mood.

She was no longer giggling when Anton set her to her feet, but she kept a small smile on her face to not have Anton worry. However he can see right through that small smile so easily. "Once again, you are frowning. Is my games too childish for you? Do you want to do something else? Something more heated." While asking his questions, Anton slowly guided Sandra to the side so her back can meet a old oak tree. His large hands skimmed the side of Sandra's fully covered breast as his right knee took its place slightly in between her legs.

Sandra could-should not turn down his splendid offer of turning this playful evening into a heated one. However she does by placing her soft hands on his broad chest and strong arm. "Not now, Anton. Besides, I love your games."

His thumb skimmed across her lips, "Then why frown?"

"My thoughts are not on my side today," said she as she tried to think of other things, such as Anton's body pressed against hers or the risen sun that gave off sunlight that glistened on her skin, trees and leaves. None was a success... She took a deep breath and open her mouth to speak, but words did not come out; only silence.

Anton sighed and grabbed his wife's hand before giving her soft skin a kiss, "You do not have to tell me," said he as he looked into her dark brown eyes.

"I-I do not want to ruin our day," Sandra stated while creating a space between her and the old oak tree.

"Communicating is not going to ruin our day," Anton placed a finger under Sandra's chin left her head so they can be eye to eye. "You are my wife, you can speak to me when you hate the world one moment and hate me the next."

Sandra slightly smiled, "You are silly Anton."

His thumb rubbed against her bottom lip, the urge of taking her lip between his teeth was strong. Although he wanted to bend her over and take her against the old oak tree next to them, he resisted. Talk first.... Make love later... his conscious yelled out.

"I think of them..." Sandra spoke up after mentally debating rather or not to speak on the issue. "My friends, Nala and Khari. Their deaths haunt my mind mostly every night ever since I stepped foot on this land." Finally... she spoke the one thing that was stuck in her chest to the person she loved.

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