Chapter 8

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The one advantage to never being able to sleep is that you can stay up all night without ever feeling the least bit tired.

Vic and I stayed laying on that bed for upwards of twelve hours, and I didn't even regret it. It was nothing sexual of course, but the novelty of having him so close to me was more addictive than any drug could be. I could've stayed in our bed, kissing his lips and whispering under the covers, for weeks on end.

"What do you think of this?" I asked Vic as the morning sun just barely began to peek its shining face through our single small window. Vic shifted slightly, his arms wrapped comfortably around me so my head rested on his chest and our legs tangled together.

"I think that I can't remember the last time I was this happy," Vic murmured, pressing another gentle kiss to my forehead. I tilted my face up a bit so that he could capture my lips with his. I'd never get sick of kissing him, not for the rest of eternity.

"So are we... like... I don't know-" I stammered awkwardly, the heaviness of his potential answer weighing my mouth shut. Thankfully, Vic just chuckled.

"Are you trying to have the standard 'what are we' conversation?" he teased. Instantly, my face flushed a deep shade of cherry red.

"I mean- I guess-" I stuttered some more. Vic placed a kiss to my lips, silencing me.

"We can be whatever you want us to be," Vic assured me gently. I smiled against his lips.

"Okay. I think we can stay exactly like this," I replied. Vic tightened his hold around me so I was once more curled up against his toned chest. I wasn't at all sleepy, but I felt my eyes close with simple contentedness as I lavished in the warmth of his arms.

We were so lost in each other that we didn't even realize someone had come into the attic.

The mother of the household stood at the top of the staircase, her graying hair framing a pretty face and tied up neatly in a ponytail with a headband. She looked around the attic, her gaze passing directly over Vic and I. We glanced at each other in confusion.

"Can she see me?" I asked, warily watching the woman as she searched for whatever it was that she seemed to be missing. Vic just shrugged.

"Seeing as she hasn't screamed bloody murder yet, I would say probably not. You've really adjusted to being here these past few weeks," Vic commented. I nodded, frowning slightly.

"Do you think if I'm adjusting, I won't be able to go back to Heaven? If that really is where I came here from," I added.

"Do you want to go back?"

"I'm not sure. I don't really remember ever being there, and I've started to kind of like it here," I responded, looking Vic directly in the eyes. His eyes crinkled with a bright smile as he caught my meaning.

"Me too."

After retrieving her lost object, the mother went back downstairs, and the attic was quiet except for our breathing again. Somewhat to my dismay, Vic released me from his hold and sat up in bed.

"Come on, let's do something," Vic prompted, tugging at my hands. I groaned.

"Can't we just stay here?" I whined. Vic laughed.

"No, it's already been like 13 hours, and you've hardly even moved. Get up," he urged. I sighed, but climbed out of bed nonetheless. I already missed the comfort of the covers and Vic's arms around my frame.

"What do you want to do?" I questioned. Vic grinned, making his way over to the CD player we'd been using. He set it to a low volume and hit play on the birthday mix tape he'd made for me. "Be My Baby" by The Ronettes softly filled the room, just loud enough for us to hear. Vic extended a hand to me.

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