Chapter 3

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It had been two weeks since I first arrived at the house, and things were finally starting to occasionally make a little bit of sense.

But not really.

I still constantly fretted over if Justin and Gabe were okay after the accident, and the potential guilt of having killed my best friends filled me with a constant sense of dread. I missed my sister and my parents, and I wanted desperately to somehow let my family know that I was alright. Well, maybe not alright, but at least existing. The answer came to me in the simplest of forms.

"Doesn't this house have a computer?" I asked the other ghosts one day. Jaime and Jenna were playing Monopoly with Matty and I. Alysha was having one of her bad days and had closed herself off in the little girl's room, not feeling up to interacting with the rest of us.

"Sure. We use it sometimes for videos or news or whatever, but you have to be really careful not to do or change anything that the family might notice when they use it next," Jenna informed me.

"Could I send an email from it?" I questioned. Matty seemed to immediately realize what my intentions were.

"Kellin, everyone you knew then knows that you're dead now. They had your funeral; they're slowly recovering. Your family and friends would think they're going insane if they randomly start getting email from you," he pointed out.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Didn't you want to contact your family when you first died?"

"We didn't have computers back then. Besides, my wife still lived in this house. I could see her whenever I wanted, but I didn't interfere. She was grieving, and I wanted her to move beyond me as painlessly as possible," Matty explained, but a flash of pain in his eyes revealed his true feelings. His wife had probably died decades ago, and she had moved on to Heaven or Hell without him. I sighed in defeat.

"I guess so. I just want them to know where I am," I lamented. Jaime raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Do you even know where you are?" he asked. I was quiet. I knew that I was in an old house somewhere, and that the spring weather had been warm but not too warm. So that narrowed it down by about nothing whatsoever.

"I guess not," I muttered. Matty looked at me sympathetically.

"The address is on the mail that the house gets. We're just outside of Rochester," he supplied. I nodded, a bit relaxed just to know.

"Seriously, Kellin, don't try to contact your family. It won't help anyone at this point," Jenna reiterated to me.

"I won't. I don't even want to see the news or anything online anyway," I stated. That much was true; I had been too afraid of seeing that Gabe and Justin had died to want to look at anything. Before Jaime could make the next move in the game, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway interrupted us.

"They're home!" Jenna shouted, eardrum-shatteringly loud. Quickly, Matty and Jaime began throwing board game pieces back into the box.

"Wait, I thought they couldn't see us?" I asked in alarm as chaos ensued around me.

"They can't, but they can see the things we've moved," Matty explained, tucking the book on the coffee table back onto the shelf.

"What should I do?" I questioned, feeling very much in the way as Jenna straightened furniture.

"Just... go up to the attic with Vic for a while. Tell Alysha while you're up there," Matty ordered. I slipped out of the room, breaking into a sprint when I heard the front door open downstairs. Hurriedly and as quietly as possible, I opened the door to the little girl's room across from the nursery.

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