Chapter 13

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Time Lapse: One Week

I had gotten sick.

Not "really" sick, not even close. Hardly even a 24-hour stomach bug. But everyone was acting as though I had gotten the plague or something.

I was currently lying in bed at the strict orders of Vic. Ever since I first sprinted down to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach, he had become dead-set on babying me. Matty had completely freaked out once he found out I was sick, telling Vic to take care of me until I was 100% better and not a minute before then. I had pretty much been confined to the attic on the grounds that I could perhaps get Lynn sick. It was unlikely though; she'd remembered her death and been able to walk through walls and do everything that all the normal spirits could do. I was the only weird one.

"What are you doing?" Vic snapped to attention when he saw me trying to sit up in bed. I sighed. This whole "I'm going to obsessively watch over you until you're better" deal was really starting to grind my gears.

"Just going to get a glass of water, calm down," I replied. Vic stopped me, pulling the bedsheets back over my body.

"I'll get it for you, stay here," he insisted.

"Vi-ic," I whined, dragging his name out to two syllables.

"Kel-lin," he mimicked. "Just let me spoil you for another few hours."

"Fine," I sighed reluctantly. I knew Vic meant well, and for the short period that I was actually sick, it was really nice to have him care about me so much. But now I felt perfectly healthy, and I was bored out of my mind just staying in bed all day. Vic wouldn't even get in bed with me, so that source of entertainment was gone too.

"Thanks," I mumbled when Vic finally came back upstairs, sipping on the water he brought me. Vic smoothed my hair tenderly, looking at me with love in his beautiful brown eyes.

"I just want to make sure you're okay," he reminded me. I smiled up at him.

"I know, but I feel fine. Really, I do," I assured him.

"And I don't doubt that, but none of us have gotten sick since we died. This is new, and it's a little frightening to be honest. I worry about you," Vic confessed. I sat up a little, just enough to kiss his cheek briefly.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too. I think I'm going to do a little more research on angel lore. There must be something we haven't found yet," Vic replied.

"I can come with you," I offered, desperate to get out of the attic. Vic gently pressed a hand to my chest, laying me back down.

"You know Matty will kill me if I let you leave yet. I'll come back and tell you if I find anything though," Vic promised me. I sighed once more, knowing he wasn't going to change his mind.

"Alright," I conceded. Vic kissed me sweetly before heading downstairs. I propped myself up in bed, grabbing a book from the bedside table. I was in for another boring afternoon, but this time without Vic.

Vic's POV

A little over an hour later, I was scrolling through what felt like the thousandth page of useless tales about fallen angels. I was beginning to think that we'd never find out a definite answer as to how and why Kellin had ended up here; even though he insisted he didn't want to go back, it was obvious that it bothered him not remembering what had happened. Even if it was just a little thing that irritated him, there was nothing more important to me than making sure he was happy. I closed out the tab, fairly decided upon giving up research for the day. Matty was far more apt to find something than I was anyway.

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