Chapter 11

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"Wait, why-" Matty's confused inquiries were abruptly cut off by Vic bursting into the foyer area.

"Kellin, I swear, it wasn't-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I exploded suddenly. Both Matty and Vic immediately froze. I wasn't a person who showed my anger when I could help it, and I'd spent so much time emotionally caring for Vic and Alysha since I'd gotten here that I had yet to break down in any capacity in front of the other ghosts. I didn't like swearing at people I cared about, and I hated when people shouted.

But right then, I didn't care.

"I have been nothing but good to you since I got here. Even when you were being a dick, I only ever tried to make you happy. You told me everything about how much he hurt you, and now you're doing the same thing to me!" I shouted at Vic. Matty awkwardly backed away into the parlor, clearly aware that this was not a battle he wanted to be involved in.

"I went down to talk to him and he just-" Vic tried to explain, his eyes glassy with threatening tears, but I didn't want to listen to reason.

"I don't want to hear it! I'm tired of being rational and patient with everyone. You can't just treat people like they don't matter and expect them to be okay with it! Why'd you do it, huh? Am I not good enough for you?" I demanded, choking on my words. I was a complete wreck by that point. I was certain that my face was horribly red from crying and yelling, my nose was beginning to run, my tears were a constant stream down my cheeks, and I didn't care. Nothing had hurt like this, ever. Not even death.

"Kellin-" Vic said weakly.

"No! Why do you love him and not me? All he ever did was hurt you, and all I ever wanted was for you to love me. Is that too much to ask? Was I just a time filler until he was interested in you?" I screamed, aware of how ridiculous I was being. I was too upset to feel sympathy for the pain I saw in his face, and I didn't wait for an answer. Instead, I stormed up the stairs back to the attic. I couldn't handle this.

"Kellin, I didn't kiss him! I went down there to put him in his place, and he said all these crude things about how I'll always be his and no one else's. I told him to fuck off, but when he heard you coming, he just pushed me against the wall and-"

"Oh, bullshit! I'm not an idiot!" I snapped. I physically opened the door to the attic just for the satisfaction of slamming it in his face, not caring if the family heard it. He easily passed through the wood, pressing on as he followed me up the stairs.

"It's the truth! You know better than anyone how much I hate him, and you know better than anyone how much you helped me when you got here! I'm not going to lose you over something like this, I just can't! Why the hell would I throw everything we have away on the one person I hate more than anyone?" Vic questioned frantically. I could hear the panic in his voice. I picked up a hardback book beside our bed and threw it at him. It did nothing, but it felt good to hear the crash so I threw another.

"Get out! I don't want to see you!" I wailed, grabbing the mixtape he'd made for me and throwing it against the wall. It shattered into the hundreds of tiny shards of our relationship.

"No! Tell me why I would ever do anything that might make me lose you!" Vic yelled back, just watching my tantrum as I destroyed the room. I was beyond breaking down over him kissing Jaime. I was just releasing all the stress and frustration I'd felt since the minute I woke up in the basement.

"Because you love him!"

"I don't, Kellin!"

"Yes you do! How do I know that you don't?" I cried out, letting my knees give out as I sat down on our bed. I was too weak to keep up this war of me versus Vic versus the attic.

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