The rose

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As Lydia ran for her life through the garden, a rose brushed on her pants. Even though she was being chased down by blood thirsty wolves, She stopped for a second to look at it. It was blood red, the most beautiful rose She had ever seen. The wolves were getting closer and She had to run, but first, She carefully took the rose and put it in my bag. She continued her frantic running for about a mile. Lydiastopped and realized that the wolves had simply disappeared. She shrugged and sat down on the ground, trying to figure out who had sent these wolves after her, and why? And then She remembered, the rose! Lydia took it out of her bag, it was still in perfect shape, much to her surprise. It also seemed to be glowing, Lydia didn't think much of it, so She put it back in her bag. Lydia got up and began walking out of the garden, when She felt a light tap on her shoulder, She spun around and snapped her fingers, producing menacing purple sparks. A man stood in front of her, look of terror in his eyes
"Oh my god why is there purple sparks coming from your fingers?!?" Said the man, he was clearly American
"Well," She said snapping her fingers and letting the Sparks disappear. "You tapped me on the shoulder and I thought you might be a wolf or something, so my first instinct was to threaten you"
"But, what are you?" He said
" I'm a warlock you idiot boy"
And it was in that moment that he tried to run for his life, to which Lydia replied by snapping her fingers impatiently and freezing him in place.
"What.. Why can't I move!" He screamed
"Well you were trying to run from me and you still haven't explained why you tapped me on the shoulder"
"I.. I, well this is my garden and I was wondering what the hell you're doing here, but you mentioned that you thought I was a wolf so maybe that's what you were doing?" He said
"Right, well yes, it is dreadfully cold out here isn't it, oh my, I forgot to ask you your name!" Lydia said
"My.. My name?" He said
"Yes, your name, do you have one?"
"Oh, it's Simon, Simon Smith. And would you mind unfreezing me? I'd like to have a proper conversation with you in my house"
"Well alright then, Simon Smith" She said, snapping her fingers to unfreeze him.
He started to walk, gesturing for Lydia to follow him out of the garden. Lydia laughed and followed

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