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Simon and Lydia has been walking silently for almost the entire day, and Simons legs were starting to ache. He didn't want to say anything to Lydia because she had a "don't talk to me" kind of look. He could understand why, she had choked the life out of a man hours before, but surely she had done it before hadn't she? She had been alive for so many years. What was it about this that bothered her so much. Simon couldn't help but stare at her as they walked. She had thrown her purple blazer onto her shoulder, her curled red hair was hanging loose on her shoulders. She had a tired look on her face and there was intense bags under her eyes.
Lydia stopped walking,
"It's getting late, we should go find a place to set up the tents."
"How do you know that?" Asked Simon. "The cave is pitch black day or night."
Lydia shrugged.
"I just know."
Simon said no more.They searched for a place to set up their things, preferably the same as the cave room they had slept in the night before. Lydia gave a small smile when Simon said that there was a room ahead of them. Lydia walked into it, made sure there sa nothing weird in it, and started to set up the tents.
"Now for the protection spell." Sighed Lydia as she finished with the tents. She walked over to the door and snapped her fingers, she traced her hands around the opening and stepped back.
"Take my hand." She said, putting her hand out to Simon
"I..uh.. Ok?" Stuttered Simon
As Lydia snapped her fingers to put up the spell, Simon felt some of his energy leave his body.
"Sorry, I needed some extra strength for this one, since there's definitely more people in this cave." Lydia walked over to her tent, she was about to go into it, but she stopped. "Goodnight Simon."
Simon was left standing at the entrance. He so wanted to walk into Lydia's tent and ask her if she needed anything, if she was ok. He wanted to run his fingers through her perfect hair and caress her face.
"No, she doesn't like you like that." he thought, trying to push the thoughts away. But he couldn't.
He walked to his tent, and found that it was exactly like it had been the last night. He went over to his bed and pulled off his shirt, throwing it at his suitcase. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, letting a wave of darkness wash over him.
Simon dreamt of Lydia that night, of her beautiful purple eyes, and her fiery red hair. He dreamt of her smile and how her eyes lit up when she laughed. She was beautiful, but powerful and mysterious.

Simon awoke to the sound of violin music. He sat up and wondered if she did this every morning, he didn't mind, she was an excellent violinist.
Simon got up out of the bed and changed into jeans and a t shirt. He didn't bother to do anything with his hair though. He quietly left his tent and went to look into Lydia's tent. She was sitting there, on the floor, violin on her shoulder with her eyes closed, she wore a ivory dress with white flat shoes. She looked beautiful, her hair was up in a tight pontytail.
"Hello Simon." She said quietly , not opening her eyes, and not stopping her playing
"How did you know I was watching you?" He asked in surprise
"I heard you open the curtain." She said, opening her eyes to look at Simon as she put the violin down. She gestured at the ground beside her. "Come"
Simon stepped into the tent and sat beside Lydia
"Was it a sad song?" Asked Simon
"What?" Lydia looked surprised
"The song you were playing, is it a sad song?"
"nothing is sad until it's over," she said. "Then Again, everything ends."
Simon starred at her for a moment before speaking again.
"Should we get going soon?"
Lydia stood up.
"Ah! Yes, yes of course." With that, she dashed out of the tent and starting cleaning up. Before Simon had the chance to even leave the tent, it disappeared around him.
Simon walked over to Lydia. He couldn't help but notice her starting at him.
"Ok, lets go!" She said
She snapped her fingers and the familiar purple fire appeared in her hands, lighting their way. The light illuminated Lydia's face, her beautiful eyes shinning like the nights sky. Simon couldn't hold it back any longer. He walked over to her.
"Lydia" he whispered
And he was kissing her. Simon, kissing her.
Lydia made a surprised noise as Simon pushed her towards the wall of the cave. Brushing his lips across hers, cupping her face with his hands. Running his fingers through her hair. They stood there for what felt like forever, it was Lydia who pulled away.
"I... I don't know what i was thinking, I'm so sorry." Said Simon
"Sorry?" She whispered. "Don't be sorry Simon,  I, no one has ever done that, I-" Lydia was cut off by voices from across the cave.
"We need to find the stone, you idiot! If you don't follow his orders I'll kill you! Stupid girl!" a hoarse voice was saying  
"I'd rather die than help him" said a girl
"Very well" he said.
Lydia heard the sound of a gun loading and flung out her hand, sending the mans gun flying across the cave.
"What the fu-" he said
Lydia walked over to him and the girl.
"So," she said. "Anyone mind telling me what all this is about?"
It was the girl who spoke.
"This asshole dragged me with him to look for this amethyst stone, against my own will!" She ran her fingers through her dirty blond hair, a nervous gesture, she looked at Lydia and Simon with her big blue eyes, the Look said "help".
Lydia walked over to the man
"Now, you either leave or, I kill you" she said
"You can't kill me!" He spat
"Yeah?" She asked, snapping her fingers. He started to cough up water as if he was drowning.
"What are you..." he choked. "Fine... fine! I'll leave! Let me go"
Lydia stopped.
"Were way to deep in this cave for you to find a way out on your own.. so" she snapped her fingers and he was gone
"Where did he go?" Asked the blond haired girl
"Alaska" replied Lydia
"Wait, really?"
The blond girl laughed. "Oh! I'm Kassie, by the way, I should get going..." she said
"Or you could come with us to look for the stone, I'd be fun to have you with us, you seem nice." It was Simon who spoke
"Really?! You'd let me come with you!" She said
Lydia nodded, and Kassie jumped up and down. 

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