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"Lydia ran through the caves at full speed, sending purple sparks flying from her hands behind her. She tripped on a rock and fell to her knees. She slowly turned her head to look behind her back. The creatures were quickly approaching. Lydia got up as fast as she could and started running again. Her magic had started to become weak, making Lydia weaker as she ran. She came to a stop and looked down, bellow her was a 100 ft drop, there was no way she could survive with her magic so weak. The creatures were very close to her, and she had to think very fast, when all of a sudden, the ground she was standing on cracked off and she started falling to her death."

Lydia awoke, breathing heavily, she threw the sheets off of her bed and screamed. Lydia heard a door slam open, she looked up. Simon was standing before her, looking distressed and worried.
"Are you alright?" Said Simon, entering the room and coming to sit by Lydia
"It was just a bad dream..." Mumbled Lydia, half to herself, half to Simon
"I've never heard a scream so loud in my entire life" remarked Simon, looking half horrified
"It would probably be best if you left me alone..." Mumbled Lydia
"Yes, well, see you in the morning" said Simon, shutting off the lights and leaving the room
Lydia jumped off the bed and made her way to the bathroom, her red hair was in a terrible knot, it looked like a bird had made a nest in her hair. She was white as a ghost, an obvious look of terror in her purple eyes. She couldn't understand why the dream had terrified her so much. She left the bathroom and went back into her room. She put the sheets back on the bed and went back to sleep.

Lydia awoke to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She quickly ran to the bathroom, magicked her hair to be decent and put on a deception filter spell. She exited the bathroom and went to open the door.There was a young girl in maids clothing standing infront of her
"Hello m'am, mr Smith has asked me to tell you to meet him in the dining room for breakfast" said the girl
"Yes,yes of course!" Said Lydia "just give me a few seconds to get dressed, I have just woken up."
"Really? Your hair looks like you took an hour to get it like that!"
Lydia laughed, "No, no, I guess I just have perfect hair." She said hiding a smirk, it would have taken her an hour to get her hair like this, but magic made it possible in a second.
Lydia closed the door and snapped her fingers, a long sleeved blue dress and flat black shoes appeared on her. She walked out of her room to go join Simon in the dining room.
As Lydia walked in, Simon smiled.
"Hi Lydia! Wow! You look great." Said Simon
"Thank you Simon" said Lydia, siting down on a chair across from Simon and taking a sip of the tea beside her plate of pancakes.
"So, would you like to come into London with me to do a few things." Said Simon
"Not quite sure what things but sure, I haven't anything better to do today." Said Lydia
"Fantastic." Said Simon, smiling

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