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Lydia had gone straight to bed after putting up the protection spell, leaving Simon staring after her. He wanted to check up on her. But he decided against it. He sighed and went into his tent. He gave a small gasp of astonishment as he looked around the tent. There were actual lights in his tent, a bed and a small area for his suitcase. He smiled and fell onto the bed, not bothering to change out of his clothes of that day. he was asleep within seconds.

Simon awoke to soft violin music coming from outside his tent, he sat up and realized that he hasn't changed out of his clothes of yesterday, he sighed and got up. He got dressed quickly and left his tent. The music seemed to be coming from Lydia's tent. Quietly, he walked over there and opened up her tent the slightest bit, and there was Lydia, violin on her shoulder with her eyes closed in concentration. Simon closed the opening of the tent and sat down outside of it, listening to Lydia play. Suddenly, she stopped playing, and Simon stood up. The entrance to Lydia's tent flew open.  Lydia walked out. She was wearing a purple blazer with a white dress shirt, black boots and black pants.
"Simon! Good morning!" Said Lydia. "May I ask what you're doing outside of my tent?"
"Oh, I... Uh..."
"Never mind that. We must get going immediately." She said, snapping her fingers and getting rid of the tents and the protective wall. Simons suitcase appeared beside him.
"Immediately?" Asked Simon
"Yes, we haven't got any time to waste."Lydia started walking. Snapping her fingers once again to make purple fire appear in her hands to light the way in the cave
Simon picked up his suitcase and started after her.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" Said Simon
"Big, purple stone, easy enough to see." Said Lydia
Suddenly Lydia stopped walking and looked down. She muttered something under her breath and the ground lit up, revealing footprints.
"Are those ours?" Asked Simon
"No..." Lydia snapped her fingers again and the floor went back to normal. "Someone else is here."
Lydia spun around and threw the fire in her hands at the wall she was facing. Two men appeared.
"Who are you?" She asked, moving towards one of the men
"Like we would tell you, Warlock." He spat the last word out like poison.
Lydia laughed. "Oh?" She said, snapping her fingers and pinning the man to the wall. "I think you will."
The other man tried to run, but Lydia simply did the same to him as she had done to his friend.
"We will never tell you..." Said the man Lydia had been talking to earlier.
Lydia snapped her fingers and he started chocking.
"If you want to live." She said, her purple eyes shinning. "You will tell me who you work for."
"Barlondi." He chocked as his life was drained from him.
Lydia unpinned him from the wall, he was dead. She turned to the other man.
"Now, maybe I will let you live, if you tell me why this Barlondi sent you here?"
He looked up at her. "The amethyst stone in these caves, he needs it. I will not tell you more. Kill me if you must."
Lydia snapped her fingers and let him down from the wall, he collapsed onto the ground.
"Leave." She said in a voice so loud the cave almost shook.
The man did as he was told. He got up and started running towards the exit of the cave.
Lydia turned around, Simon was standing almost glued to the wall, eyes wide in astonishment.
"Did you just..." Simons eyes trailed off to the dead body. "Is he...dead?" Croaked Simon
"Yes" said Lydia, turning away from him.
Simon walked over to her.
"'s ok, y-you had to do it." Stuttered Simon
"Well I'm glad you don't hate me because of it." Said Lydia, she started walking. "That Barlondi guy will probably send others."
"Who's Barlondi?" Asked Simon
"I haven't the slightest idea." Responded Lydia.

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