Is it me or The Transformers are really in My Living Room ?!

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G1 Optimus Prime slowly shook his helm as he awoken . But there was something off he was on a thing that humans called a rug but how he was in the base last he remembered. Then as he looked around the room he saw that their was many different bots in the room and his own team. The leader could tell their from his team was Prowl,Jazz,IronHide,Bumblebee,SideSwipe,SunStearker,Ratchet, BlueStearker,and WheelJack. But what got him was that three bots in the room looked like him . As he turned his helm the bots started to wake up as well. 

G1 Jazz:" w'ere are we . An why her'e ? " G1 Jazz said and then turned to see other bots . Then the at that point all the Autobots took out there weapons at each other . 

Prime Optimus: " Who are you bots ?"He asked with his optics looking at all the bots .As one of the bots started to speak a young 14 - 16 human girl came out with bed head. Then all optics were on her as she turned to the other end of the hallway but then she realized that they were there she turned back to them. All the bots looked closely at the girl and saw the young human girl was wearing blue shorts with white stars and a plain sports blue bra . Her skin was tan and had brown curly hair with her front hair the same blue color of Optimus.

Sunstreaker&Sideswipe thought- WOW! who is that Sexy  femme !?

All the bots looked at each other and lowered their weapons so the young human girl could be safe .Then the four Primes walked about two steps but she took two steps back .

Movie Optimus: " Hello young one. You are safe my team will not hurt you but for the other bots I am unsure. " He said looking at the other bots that aren't part of his team.

Animated Optimus: " Don't worry we won't hurt you . So you are safe with us too."

Prime Optimus: " As well as us young one ."As he said that some of the other bots were surprised by his voice as well as Movie Optimus but the only ones were is team and (little did they know) the girl .

G1 Optimus: " As I will not hurt you." As he said that some bots were surprised by his voice.

The Girl looked at the bots and let go of her fears and walked up to them . As she walked up to them she started to walk to them with her back straight and head up tall. Then once she was arms range of the Autobots and began to speak.

The Girl:" Hi͵ There my name is Elena Maria Ortiz and you are in my apartment. But my mom and sister Naty is in the other room. And it is a great joy that I get to meet all the Autobots and there great leader or leaders Optimus Prime or Optimus Primes ." She stated with a smile and her hand out for a handshake. But all the bots were surprised by the fact see knew them except G1 and Animated.

Movie Optimus: " How do you know about us Elena ?"

Elena:" Well I know guys because well it's along story ."

Prime Ratchet: " Well we got time youngster ." He stated with a growl .

Elena :" Well , you see here you guys are in my world" She started as she walk to through the crow of Autobots to the DVD cabinet and grabbed a large amounts of DVDs. And then sat on the empty couch with all her DVDs.

G1 Prowl :" What do mean' in my world'?" He questioned with the others nodding with the same question.

Elena:" I mean that you see you are versions of yourself. Also that here you guys are T.V. shows for kids and that you shouldn't even be real right now and I know that because I watch it. And the fact is I am a kid . I am 12 years old and I look like a 14 year old." As she said that the bots optics were surprised and shocked by the answer she gave them. But were as shocked by Elena' s age and saw the sad/shy look she gave as she said that .

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