New life

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~no ones POV ~
-Elena sat in med bay looking at her black servos and sighed . She look at her self in the mirror and study her new gold optics and felt weird looking at her new body . It was heavier then her other body and was a bit more and a bit stiff in her cyber-body but she knew she would get use to it . Then she heard the door open to The Ratchets office and she looked right at the door .-

G1 ratchet:"Ella how do you feel? "

Ella:"Stiff is all. Did you tell my mom about my change ? "-she asked while answering and nodding -

Tfp ratchet:" yes and she will be here soon ok kiddo "-He answered while patting her shoulder and walking away with TFA ratchet -

-Elena watched them and sighed and layed back . Elena wondered what it was like to be cyber but now look she was now a cyber and how is her family going to do if she leaves with the G1 Autobots ? As Ella thought she stared to the ceiling in wonder and didn't notice her mother and sister with the twins came in . The twins looked over her with smiles again . They loved her door wings and her optics they were just so warm and loving! -

Michelle : "Ella! Oh my gosh! You're tall and beautiful ! " - She yelped while racing and hugging Ella while she sat up and Ella hugged back -

Ella:"Thanks mom !" -Ella thanked while shaking lightly and sitting back down on the med bay berth.-

-Michelle smiled knowing her daughter was safe and back to her and her younger sister but wa.s sadden when was explained that she was forced into her cybertrain form by her cybertrain fathers .Shes and her youngest ,Naty , was so angry and upset that they could face all for warlords on their own .So they waited to see there for Ella and worried for her health for this new change for Ella.While they waited the Twins had decided to make a date night for her so she could relax and smile big like she was before all this.The plan was to get her the one thing she had been wanting for years that was a sliver blue or yellowed-eyed kitten .Now she could get it because of not being asthmatic any more she could get a kitten that she dreamed about as a child.-

Sides:"Now sun and I will take Ella and don't we will be in the base!" -He said quickly while picking up Ella and racing out of med bay with angry medics following behind with wrenches being thrown at the three of them as they raced to her room .-

~Ella's POV ~

-I yelpped as I was being carried away by red fun-loving mech friend with his blunt and artistic yellow twin right behind him.As we finally lost them we managed to get in my room that hadn't been moved at all . As I was set on the bed I looked at the photos on the wall and saw that they were covered in pictures but there was something different in the room. There was cat toys and a litter box for a cat in my room which was weird because I didn't have a cat or kitten only dogs because of my stupid asthma but I am an animal person so I always wanted to have one so I knew it was for an animal .-

Sun:"Hey babe ! Alright we have a grand surprise for you and it is awesome ! " - He said withe and smile and got something from my closet with all my old clothes to hear a soft meow as he turned to show a beautiful sliver kitten with blue eyes !-

Me:"OH MY PRIMUS !! THANK YOU GUYS !!"-I yelled as sun gave me a small kitten inth my metal hand while i gently rubbed her belly with a giggle and kisses her head .-

Sides:" We knew that you would love her ! And we named her Cas from supernatural (I love that show !!! And Cas does look like a sliver or black kitten )) anf Ella you may have changed to be cybertrain but you will alsways be are Ella honey ," -He said as I teared up and smiled when I set down the cat . Then I got up and hugged them both with look and kissed them both .- 

Me :" Thanks guys and I love you too!" -I said while hugging them both with love and all I could think that this is the life ,-

I'm so sorry to all my readers on how long this update took ! Also sorry on how it may be short but I have some sort of a writers block and I hope you love this chapter as you love my other 10 chapters to this book and I will do my best to keep up with it more .As an a good writer should to there fellow readers ! Also thank you for all the votes on my story and comments saying about my story !! Thank You so much to my Transfans and fun loving readers!! P.S. Keepcommenting on this book and maybe help with the plot plz !! ~ Ironrose/Ella Prime 

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