Waking up in con base and I'm Megatron's WHAT?!

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Elena's POV

- As I woke up I could hear people or bots talking and then ever so slowly I opened my eyes but I wished I hadn't . As I opens my eyes I could see a metal celling that I knew I've seen before and then I looked around to see I was in a cyber-madbay then I stopped.Then my heart dropped I knew where I was right in the con base medbay ! I jumped up to sit up and gluped and still heard the voices talking outside the room . So then I quietly got up and tip-toed to the door andopened the door cracked slowly and a little more they couldn't it . My eyes widen seeing my worst nightmares come to life . It was all four MEGATRONS ! With STARSCREAMER or as I liked to call him " MEGATRON'S GLITCH" and KNOCKOUT ,BRAKEDOWN, ALL FOUR SOUNDWAVES , and lastly SOUNDWAVES'MINICONS !!!!!!! But as soon as I felt fear hitting me and I clam my self down lightly and listened to them . -

G1 Megatron : " How is my our daughter doing in health ? " -He swayed his hand to the room I was in and my eyes widen and it clicked I'm his daughter but HOW ?! and I kept listening .and watching .-

Knockout : " She is in good health but has what humans call 'Asthma"  and that means if she runs to long or a place that has too much dust  or mold it will result in a 'Asthma Attack'. Where if this 'asthma attack' happens her lungs and chest stops her from breathing that killing her so she must be careful and there is no cure for this but there is medinice for it my Lords . " -As he said that he swayed his hips like a vain-afted- girl and i rolled my eyes and kept on listening and watching.Then I saw all the Megatrons nod and hummed together and TFP Megatron started to talk .-

TFP Megatron :" Alright then get her the medinice she needs and be sure to com all cons of the ship to be clear of mold or anything that will make her have 'asthma attacks' other then running .Now I wish to know how to how to change her back to her real form . "

Knockout:"  Yes my lords.All we have to do is put the energon in her systems and her bodies will do the rest for her transformtion for us ." -my eyes widen and moved back and gasped lightly but as I did that I made the door move open more and just enough that Ravage saw it and he came in . Then as he did that he saw me afiraid and sitting next to the door . Then in the seconds the rest of them came in and right in front of me was all four Megatrons and a Ravage rubbing against me and sniffing me making sure I was ok . All I could do was shudder in fear and worry at them and I looked into Megatron's optics in fear and there hard looks be came soft and loving towards . Then all four of them kneeled at me while I was still in fear on the ground .-

-No Ones POV-

Movie Megatron :" Oh my child it is alright there is nothing to fear it is safe, " -He gently brought up his clawed hand and gently touched her soft face full of fear and worry as Ravage did his best on his own while rubbing against the young girl like she was her kit . Also showing that she was part of his pack with love and protectiveness around her and purring softly . Then within the minute Elena let go of her fears and worries and relaxed between that one Megatron and the purring Ravage . -

TFP Megatron :" Good My child now up my little fire ." - He commanded gently as he rose with his dople gangers and with Elena standing up with him while taking her hand . Elena stood up feeling without fear of the Megatrons but she knew she couldn't trust the Starscreams glaring at her . -

Elena : " why am I here and why am I you're daughter ? " -She asked while looking around in worry and wonder . As she felt this Ravage could tell by her scent of these feelings and did the same thing he did when she was just scared ,he rubbed against her and purred . Elena looked down at him and smiled lightly and started to pet him as One of the four started to answer her questions .-

TFA Megatron :" You are daughter because we found out able the different realities and we planed this because we all had you in each of are worlds. So by the allspark power we put you in one body and made you human form and sent you away so you could live without war . Now you are here to be the heir of all the Cons that live here this is your true home and finally your real name is black fire or you can be called by you're human name you're choice my child ." - He smiled gently at her as she nodded in shock and wide eyes .

TFP Megatron :" Now my child your guard will be Brakedown and Knockout and also with two of soundwaves minicons , one will be Ravage as he sees you part of his pack and Frenzy will be the other ." - He nodded and frenzy waved with a kind smirk . -" now Brakedown ,frenzy, and Ravage take her to her room and Knock out com the other cons about how we must clean the ship for Our daughter . " -With that Brakedown ,frenzy and Ravage did exactly what they told and they did so with one in front of her ,one to the side of her , and lastly one behind her . As they walked down to her room as she passed other cons they all bowed at her . -

=Elena POV -

- As I got in the room I looked around and I saw a laptop,flat screen tv , ton of books that I probably would read , and a big soft bed and lastly cute lambs and a large bathroom . I truned seeing the door  and i saw Ravage walking and laying in the soft bed . Then he looked at me submitting to me as an alhpa . So with that I climbed into the bed and snuggled in the blankets . As I did that Ravage crawl up next to me and snuggled and I smiled at the warmth and his loving purr . -  "Good night Ravage ."  -With that lasted said I fell asleep snuggled in the blanket and the black and sliver cyber-cat .-

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