Hanging out and Getting kidnapped ?!

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- Elena sat quietly in the front seat of Sideswipe and smiling listening to muisc and thinks : "This is so cool i can't believe I'm doing this ! " . As Elena thought  she unknowingly started to blush bright and dazed off  but sideswipe watched as he drove with his brother in front of him and stops at the near by mall . As that happen Elena snapped of her daze and thought again .-

Elena:" What how are you guys going inside with me?" -She asked wonderingly and looked at the steering wheel for a answer as Sunstreaker parked next to them .-

Sunstreaker: " LIke this Ella-Bella ." -smiled as she turned around and jumped . -

- Elena stopped and studied him and blushed at him . He had dirty-blond hair with bright deep blue eyes and had a black and yellow t-shirt with black shoes and pants . Then as she looked over him more he had a lean strong body and was about 5'9 ft - 6'0ft tall and looked about 16 -18. Then looked when she heard a movement on the drivers side and sees a boy that looks the same as Sunstreaker and had about the same clothing expect he had red hair and a red shirt . She was shocked but breath tooken by both of them .-

Sideswipe:" You like Ella-Bella because this is are holoforms we look and feel human in these and we can eat and drink like one too . " - He smirked as Elena was blushing bright and nodded and smirked at his brother -

Elena:" That's awesome guys now lets go I got money! " - She gets out and closes the door gently and smiles as sideswipe gets out -

Sideswipe:"Thanks and we're paying Ella-Bella and nothing is changing my answer too ."-Sideswipe smiled with sunstreaker as they entered the mall and standed close to Elena watched as Sunstreaker rapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek -

Sunstreaker:" Is it ok if I do this because if it is I like having you close to use to use Ella-Bella just in case a con comes so you are close and we can make sure you're save ,"-He smiled kindly and watched Elena blush brighter and nodded and start to walk with her and sideswipe and soon sideswipe took her waist and he let go .-

~Elena's Pov ~

-I nodded answering sunstreaker and we walked and looked around the store at clothes and blushed and smiled  brightly and saw the popular girls at my school glaring and whispering about me but I let it pass because I don't need that feeling of hate or being upset on me when I had two hot guys taking turns holding my waist .Then BOOM! everything shaked and smoke came from a side of a wall then I saw red optics and eyes widen . -

~normal Pov ~

- As soon as The three saw the red optics the two mechs transformed and ran in while Elena went to help others run and hide . She saw the two mechs call for help and fight but unknowingly was grabed by a con and when she looked up she saw a face that was her worse nightmare and his name was ....Megatron and there were four of them looking at her as she passed out and one whispered-

TFP Megatron :-whispers-" sleep my child it is alright "-He held her and picked up as one other of his counter nodded and yelled -

G1 Megatron: " Cons we have the princess time to retreat ! "-As yelled that out was when the twins turned and the rest of the autobots came and saw that the one of  four megatrons holding Elena all their optics widen and gasped -

Movie Optimus Prime:" Megatron ! Let her go ! She can't be Black Fire she died ages ago ! " - That Optimus prayed to Primus that those megatron would listen to him and let her go but as feared they laughed and smirked .-

Movie Megatron : "Prime please we planned this for a every long time waiting to see are daughter Black fire or as known now as Elena .Maria . Ortiz  . "

TFP Megatron : " Exactly we known we had counter parts and we known you all did too so when all of are black fires were sparklings we made a plan so we could have her and the autobots couldn't take her from us!So we put black fire in one body so she can be strong and now good bye auto-brats ! " -As soon as he said that a ground bridge opened up and all the cons flow in or ran into it as so did the Megatrons with Elena in arms and not moving .-

 -While that was happen the rest of the autobots had sunstreaker held down with sideswipe because they were so angry and ready to grab all the Megatrons and kill them . But as the ground bridge closed they teared and clamed down and had a sad and a pain in their sparks because they took her they took their Elena .-

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