Why me ?!

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~No One's POV~

-Elena walked through the halls of her school with TFA Prowl and G1 BumbleBee by her as they headed to there next class . Elena was laughing and giggling with G1 Bumblebee and TFA Prowl couldn't help but smile at them as they went down to the gym room . As they did Ella went and changed her shoes and put away her things and they went outside with her class and nodded .Elena walked with her guards and friends outside towards there school track and started to walk/jog around the track with her guards and tried to do 7 laps like her teacher told them that are needed for an A .But as they jogged little did they notice two jets over them that was ThunderCracker and Skywarp watching over them and talking through the Comm to each other .-

TC: "We got her in our sights Sky ,"

SW:"Yeah and its time the princess came home,"-He said as he dove down and shot at TFA Prowl and G1 Bumblebee . As he did he shot at them he hit Bumble Bee in the arm while Prowl dodged and charged at him leaving wounded Bumblebee and elena alone .-

-That was when Thunder Cracker came down and transformed and grabbed Ella .As he did Ella wiggled and gasped in his grip .-

Bumblebee:" No ! Ella ! " -He yelled with worry and did his best to shot but with a wounded arm but he aim was all off .-

-So as ThounderCracker held Ella he transformed and flew away with her and sky right behind him and as Ella banged on the glass of the window shield with her fist . Ella watched as Prowl and Bumblebee got small as they flew away Ella kicked and get out but knew she was not getting out and sighed and stopped . As she did she curled herself in a ball and hugged her ankels and looked out ThunderCracker's window and sighed.She knew where she was going to and that was the con base and to her Fathers ...The Megatrons . She didn't want to go but she had no say in the matter and soon she was the base.It was a large and it was a purple and looked like a castle that was strong and tall .As she looked over it ThunderCracker landed she saw her fathers there all looking at her and she shuddered .Then the glass window opened and TFA Megatron gently grabbed Ella hugged her .-

TFA Megatron :"My dear Black fire . I'm sorry the Autobrats managed to take you from us and now we will make sure you will be you again ,"

Elena:"What you mean ?"-she said as she looked at all the megatrons -

TFP Megatron:'' We have everything ready to make you cybertronian my child ,"-He answered and as he did he saw Ella 's optics widen-

Elena:" what ?! "-She started to back up then felt a pinch on the back of her neck and was soon catched by Movie Megatron as she was knocked out by one of her fathers and was carried to med bay -

G1 Megatron:"Is everything ready hook , Knock out ?"-He asked as his counter part held their daughter and land her gently down on the metal berth -

Knockout:"Everything is set my lords ,"

TFP Megatron:" good she is in you'r care now Knockout, Hook ," -He said as they walked out of med bay with his counter parts and Knock Out and Hook began their work .-

~Elena's POV ~

-slowly wake up and i'm so heavy and I look around. I Couldn't feel my rough brown and blue hair and my hands felt weird at the same time . I look down at myself and gasped seeing a cybertrain frame instat of a human body and then it hit me . The changed me into me now a cybertrain femme and looked down at my frame i was red and black and had TFP Bumblebees chest and legs with my chest red . I truned to see a wrench on the ground and picked it up to see my optics were gold and and I had TFP Bumblebees around face and TFp Arcee's helm and my main color was black . Then as I looked at my optics I heard the door creak open and I turn to see it was Knockout .-

Knockout :" Ah I see you're a wake . How do you you like you door wings and frame ? I think they look good and one of my best works ,"-He said looking at her and nodded-

Me:" Good but I'm cyber ! And I want to be human ! "-I yelled and gasped at the rumbles of the bombs go off and hear the Autobots rushing into med bay and saw the twins .-"Sunny!Sides!"

-Sunstreaker turned to me and gasped and hugged me and looked over my frame as did sides after he KOed KO -

Sides:" How did this happened Ella ? " -He asked me -

Me:" Ask my fathers and lets get going please I want to leave ! "- I yelled and and held onto Sunny and he picked me up and we halted out of the med bay and dodged every con and ran towards the groundbridge and I can see my uncle and fathers fighting again .-

-Soon enough we were though the groundbridge and Sunstreaker handed me to Sides and went to help the others come and recover from it and Ella nodded and watched them helpped-

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