What's shakin' around here ?!

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- BOOM! CRASH! SLAM! Was what Elena heard as she woke and so did Ravage . Ravage heard this and got straight up with his black ears pressed onto his helm and he hissed at the door . Then all of a sudden BrakeDown came in with labored breathing and goes as fast as he can and picks up Elena . Then as fast as he came in he left with Elena in arms and Ravage behind him. -

Elena : " Woe !! What is going on Brakedown !?! "-Elena asked clinging onto Brakedown as he ran as fast as he could down the halls . -

Brakedown : " Well Princess , the autobots are attacking and I'm going to do my job and keep you safe and not captured and you're fathers want you in the throne room to be safe and if need too escape." - He said that as he started run faster as he heard Autobots get closer but he was too slow . Before he could get out of the hallway at the end of it one of the Optimus Primes come out that was TFP Optimus Prime . BrakeDown growled with Ravage and held onto Elena close and looked and saw a hall way to the left and took it . So he ran down that hallway and stopped into a storage room .-

TFP Optimus Prime -Coms Bots- : "I have seen Elena Brake down has her and I am following ! " - He ran after him but when he saw Brakedown again Elena wasn't with him and neither was Ravage . He in his mind he growled and ran and tackled him down and with that a fight between the Autobot leader and the old Wreaker  started .


-I looked around in the storage room that I was put into , It had boxes and had of ton of dust (Like I needed it ,Not!) . I inwardly sighed wondering how I was going to get past Ravage and get to the autobots. Then I could hear an Optimus Prime and BakeDown and I worried but then the door opened and it's Brakedown . But something was off about him but what? BOOM! SteelJaw came out and pounced on Ravage as quick as lightening . As that happen Brakedown fizzed out into G1 Sunstreaker and without thinking I ran up to him and hugged him . As I hugged him I could feel him hugging back and pick me up like a princess that me blush so bad . -

G1 Sunstreaker : " Ella I got you and we are leaving now ! " - He ran down the hallway with me pressed close to him as he ran down the hallway . I blushed but kept close beacuse last thing I need is to fall and I like Sunny hold me close like ,yeah I said to it so be it. I loved most about the hug is the warmth that came with it . But the thing that got me is how did the hologram come out. As I thought I saw Hound follow and nodded That makes sense but why did Hound not just save me? Then wait ! In fanfic's the only time he ever has to touch a human is when he has too and/or......likes them as a mate ! He likes me as a mate because I know Sunny doesn't have too carry me . Then Sideswipe likes me too!! HOLY CRAP !!! That makes sense with the mall, at the house and now . They like me ! But what gets me as a fan girl is that I have such a crush on them and this makes it even better . Then I snapped out of thought of that and could see the four versions of my dads and yes I called them dad because they are my fathers. Well I see them fighting with the four Optimus Primes and I worried but once one of the Primes saw me . They called every one for a retreat.-


-G1 Sunstreaker raced down the hall with Elena huddled in his arms  as he ran into the ground bridge with the rest of the team . He looked down at Elena with love and care and without a word went to med bay so she can be checked by the grumpy medics . As he did that his brother cought up to him and G1 Sideswipe smiled seeing Elena in her brother's arms as she kept her eyes closed and snugged her face in his chest. So once they got there and was checked over by the medics . They said she could after The primes talked with the group of four grumpy medics in another room Elena knew what she was going to say to the twins .-

Elena :" Hey Sides , Sun can I ask you guys something ." - She looked at them with a smile .-

G1 Sideswipe ;" Sure Ella-Bella what is it ? " - He looked at her with kind optics and bright smiles at her as did his brother.-

Elena:" How do you feel like feel feel about me ? Like do you Like me as a mate or a friend ?" -She asked with a kind voice of hope and kindness. Then the terror twins looked at each other worry and nodded at each other .-

G1 Sunstreaker :" Elena ..we love you as a mate and we know we just met and as bots and people say love at first sight ,right? We understand if you don't like us being who we are and are ages . "-He looked at Elena with worry with his brother . He thought Elena would move away from them but she smiled with love and she took there hands . -

Elena :" Good because I love you too both of you ." -G1 sunstreaker and sideswipe's optics widen but they smiled brightly and then sideswipe took the chance and swiftly grabed onto Elena and kissed her with love  As he did that Elena blushed and closed her eyes and kissed back into her first kiss .Sunstreaker smiled and when that kiss was done he took her second kiss just the same but was a bit more rougher in the kiss then Sideswipe kiss.-

Elena:" So I guess this means were more then friends. " - Her answer was being pulled into another kiss by Sideswipe and with this kiss it was a bit more heated and held more passion then the first two but non the less she loved it . Then she was leaned back into the metal berth she was sitting on and now being kissed on the lips and neck by two mechs that was loving it . But as they were having there make-out session they didn't hear the four Primes come out with the four old Grumpy medics of the room to see them kissing on the berth together and with that they stop to stare at them . Then CLANG ! Went the four wrenches over the twins helms.With that they jumped and rubbed there two helms in pain.-

TFP Ratchet :" No interfacing in my Med Bay !! Now get off her you terrors !! " - As that Ratchet yelled that out the two twins moved away from the young girl as she blushed brightly and fixed her shirt and sat up . -

TFP Optimus:" Hmm now Elena as I wanted to talk to you Elena that no matter what you are welcomed here and friend of the Autobots . Now for you two terrors here are the rules around my niece and no interfacing she still has time and now the rules . Rule 1- Show her respect at all times . Rules 2 - don't you dare disrespect her . Rules 3 - No interfacing till she is ready . Now lastly don't you dare hurt her or brake her spark understand ." - The twins nodded and sat close to Elena .-

Elena :" wait your my uncles ?! " - She looked at the primes with hope .-

Movie Optimus :" Yes we are and I'm glad you are back here and safe .Now will need to learn how to fight and shoot a gun and your teachers will be Sunstreaker and Sideswipe will be your teachers now .  Ok now your free too go with the twins and behave . "

- Elena got up and nodded saying ok and as soon as she nodded the two twins picked her up ran out the med bay too show her around and have sometime together . -

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