Friends and talking around .

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- After the Med Bay The twins decided that they would show there femme ,Elena, around the new and high tech base. Elena looked around with a bright smile and happiness and held hand with both her mechs that now had as boyfriends . At the end of the tour the twins had covered her eyes with each one hand and lead her into a room with holding both hands in each hand of the twins .-

Elena: " Ok guys where are we and when do we stop?" -She asked with wonder and happiness as she walked slowly with them as they stopped seconds after she had just asked her question . -

G1 Sideswipe:" We're here my Ella now open you're optics . " - As they stepped into the room and both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's hands went down at the same time . Elena opened her eyes like he said and she gasped lightly seeing the room . It was her room in her apartment with her sis and mom and she looked around as she saw somethings weren't still unpacked . She was so happy and in the air about this new change in her life . First she meets the Autobots , Second The Terror Twins hold her waist in the mall , Then they had the same feelings towards her a she had for them which she just loved and they stole her first kisses. Then again she is Optimus Prime's niece !!! Lastly now she gets to live on base with the Autobots base too !! This dream got better and better for her . Elena couldn't stop smiling and nodded .-

Elena:" This is awesome ! Who set up my room guys ,did you two do it ? "-As she asked G1 Bumblebee came in with the last box of her clothes with G1 IronHide and TFA Prowl . She watched them and smiled at them kindly .-

G1 Bumblebee:"Nope we did for you Elena and how do you like it ? " - G1 Bumblebee smiled and put down the box gently . As the box gently was on the ground Elena smiled and hugged him lovingly and G1 Bumblebee hugged back the same way smiling just like her . Then she hugged G1 Ironhide and Hide couldn't help but hug back to the little femme and smiled and went to TFA Prowl and hugged him the same way and Prowl hugged back and smiled . As he hugged he couldn't help but smile and felt the same way he did when he had his younger sister before she died years ago . As she hugged the three Mechs G1 Sunstreaker and Sideswipe quietly growled hating the fact that she was hugging other mechs but the knew what type of girl she was by how her mom told about them . Elena was a caring , loving and smiling girl and loved drawing and writing poems when she can . She was a big fan girl about them and she had a big spark or heart and always worried and fears of  hurting or saying something the wrong way or others hurting each other . She loved being weird , different not the same as the other kids in her school or town and loved animals and plants and anything with it. Elena was some-what shy ,she didn't speak her mind unless you told her too and multiple times too with that she would hold in her feelings often and had to grow up fast for her family . It was because of her mom's M.S. or the name "Multiple sclerosis"(M.S. is a real thing and I know people in my family who have it . ) and her dad waking out during that time but she let it go forgot about him with it . So the twins knew this was just who she was and would learn how do deal with the hugging and kissing mechs cheeks but any farther oooh lets just say it's not a pretty thought. So Elena let go and nodded with a happy and bright smile .-

Elena :" Thanks guys I'll take it from here with the twins and I owe you guys and bye . " - The three mechs nodded and waved as they left with closing the door behind them and she sat on her made bed and started to open the boxes and smiled as she saw it was her books and nodded and the two mechs helped her make her self full of books and with rest of the boxed belongings . Then they lastly set up her TV and smiled once it was up and ready . Lastly she went to her bathroom to change and came out . The twins couldn't help but stare at her in love and a little owe and smile as she blushed and became lightly shy by moving her eyes trying to not to look them dead in the optics. They loved her for who she was even if they hadn't spent more then an hour or two her alone . -

G1 Sunstreaker :" Hey Ella-Bella lets go refuel because I need energon if that's ok ? " - Elena smiled and nodded at him and with that they walked into Rec Room having an arm around her waist from G1 Sunstreaker and one around her shoulders by G1 Sideswipe as Elena blushed as they stepped into the Rec Room and everyone looked at her . She could see the Jazzs snicker and giggle then the Ironhides huffing and mumuring then the Bumblebees were staring and giggling at them . Then the two bulkheads smiling at her blush and noding and giving the twins thumps up making Elena blush harder . Lastly Blaster standing in the counter drinking energon smiling and shaking his helm . So Elena sat on the soft metal couch as the twins got there energon together leaving Elena sitting alone . As she sat the two 'Jazzs' came over and sat with her and smiling . -

G1 Jazz :" So Girly you and the terror twins , ah ? Now girly wha' happenin' between to get yah in ah relationship ? We need details ! " ( Sorry I tried my best with his accent ) - G1 Jazz smirking/smiling with his counter part on the other side of Elena smiling the same way with both visors bright . Elena blushed and smiled at them shyly and nodded . -

Elena:" Well Sunny picked me up like a princess and saved me and I know he does not like touching humans or them touching him . So I thought about it and I ask them how they felt about me and they said they loved me and i loved them back having a huge crush on them and we be came girlfriend and boyfriends . Then now Jazzies and that's the details ." -she smiled greatly as she told them and their smirks widen and visors glowed brighter  .-

TFA Jazz :" So Princess are they you're first mechs datin' at all or not ? "-He smiled feeling happy for the girl with his counter part .-

Elena: " They are my first boyfriends . " -She blushed saying it out load and the Jazzies nodding .-

G1 Jazz:" Cool girly an' I was wonderin' who is trainin' you if there isn't any bot then can we can ? " -Both Jazzies smiled and nodded .-

Elena:" Sure guys you can I would love that ."-She smiled as her two twins came back as the Jazzies and her was talking and the twins went and to talk with the others .-

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