School is coming !

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~No one's Pov ~

-Elena after going and chatted in the Rec room was called to wait for her Uncles Primes and parents to talk about school together alone. Elena hated the thought of school and going but sighed if she had to go she would without a fight like usual. As she waited for them outside the Prime(s) office she thought how much school had made her who she was and the reason she was so shy because of the bullying she took and never told anyone. Elena was always picked on by the “Cool Jocks “that were guys that were the coolest in school that were athletes and were great athletes and it was also 4 or 5 of them. They picked on her because she had joined her school's wrestling team and they thought she was stupid for it and that it’s a guy's sport but she loved it and didn't care.  But they rarely did pick on her because all the other guys thought she was cool and had her respect and also helped and protected her like big brothers  . –

- So she was happy and had friends and sure they were guys but she also like have guy friends not girls because there is not as much drama and she also like the guys stuff better than the girls stuff . Sometimes Elena wear dresses but they were black or blue never or rarely any other color and she only had 2 dresses. But back to school the other kids were the “Hot girls “that picked on her for anything she did like her hair like when she dyed it blue in the front they made comment like “She's so fake. “then laughed or about her clothes she wore that wore boy's clothes they would push her in corner and laugh and say crude things about her. Then her height or how she couldn't run fast or that she was on the wrestling team but she blocked them out and reminded herself that she was perfect in her own way . Then as she finished thinking her parents and her uncles came out and she looked the door as it opened.-

TFP Optimus prime:” Elena we have decided that you are going to public school but with two guardians to watch over you during school like following you to each class you have for your education. Also you can still be with your friends and be safe.”

Michelle: “Exactly honey and don't worry the government knows about them while you were captured by the cons the autobots told them so the whole world knows about them “ – Elena nodded as she said that and she understood why as well about what her uncle said and she smiled .-

Elena:” Can my Guardians the twins please?!”

TFA Optimus Prime:” How about this for one week my Prowl and G1 Bumble bee is yours then the twins like pattern ok? “   - Elena nodded and smiled and hugged him and ran out of there to her room but before that she grabbed the twins and they went to her room.-

-Elena watched as G1 sideswipe laid down in her bed and G1 sunstreaker rapped his arm around her waist as they were standing and he was behind her.

G1 Sunstreaker :” what is it Ella-Bella why did you bring us to your room? “ –he gently rested his head and carefully with his fins on her shoulder and gave a loving smile to her . -

Elena :”Well, I'm going back to school and you guys are going to be my guards for one week then TFA Prowl and G1 bumblebee and then repeat again so then next week your my guards again . “– Elena saw G1 Sideswipe smile brightly and jumped up with G1 Sunstreaker.-

G1 Sideswipe: “That’s great! And I promise for both of this that we will not mess with school work ok so you can get through school easy as pie “ –G1 Sideswipe smiled and nodded as he said his statement and G1 Sunstreaker did the same after his brother talked .-

-Elena smiled and nodded and so they stayed in her room and relaxed together .-

~Two weeks later ~

-Elena rushed into the rec room making her lunch and trying to eat too for her first day of school. Elena wore her hair down and laxed and had on her favorite pair of shoes on and had everything ready expect the twins they were waking up late and she sighed .-

TFA Prowl:” I see your almost ready for school”-TFA Prowl gave her a rare smile that he knew she would be happy with and she back the same loving way and nodded . –

Elena:”Yeah just a bit worried how my friends going to like Sides and Sun and I'm packing their lunches and mine.”-She finished packing lunch as she talked and nodded and grabbed the lunches and her book bag over her shoulders. Then the two terror Twins raced in and nodded and smiled at her .-                   

G1 Sideswipe : "We are ready to go and protect you while you learn about life and stuff ."

Elena: " good and the autobots will watch and come to my wreslting match right and call me just Ella in School not Ella-bella ."-She smiled as the Twins nodded with TFA Prowl . She smiled and nodded put on her jacket over her plain blue shirt and black jeans and hugged TFA Prowl and waved bye as they went to the bridge and walked into it . The bridge closed behind them she looked around they were in the school and headed to the main office to talk with the head people there then class .-

Sorry i haven't updated didn't have time and had no internet but I'm back and ready to do what I love to do and write stories and read them .

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