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Annabeth POV

The punishment was torture. I was shattered by the images Poseidon showed me, images of the future. My death, and the end of Camp Half-Blood. I watched everyone I know die. By the end of my first torture session, I'm sobbing too hard, tears pouring down my cheeks. The final image Poseidon showed me was Percy's death. And it was my fault. I collapsed on the floor of the room.

"Your punishment is over for today. Come back tomorrow." Poseidon said.

I ran as fast as I could from that terrible room to the door that appeared. It teleported me to Camp Half-Blood, where I collapsed on my bunk in the Athena cabin. Now, the issue of sleeping. I had to be strong and not fall for Percy's games. He didn't trust me, and that was the reason I was suffering. But my nightmares were too strong without Percy with me. I walked to the Poseidon cabin, where Percy was already sleeping. Just looking at his face made me sob from all of the events of the day. He distrusted me, his death was my fault. I laid down on the bed and wrapped my foot around his, the smallest touch possible to keep the nightmares away.

Percy POV

When I heard someone coming into my cabin, I pretended to be asleep. I was really trying to think of ways to make it up to Annabeth. I hadn't seen her all day since Poseidon took her, and was genuinely worried about her. Suddenly, I heard the now-familiar sob of Annabeth as she laid down next to me, as far away as possible. She hooked her foot around mine.

I turned around. "Annabeth, look, I'm-"

"Sorry. You're going to say 'Sorry'. Well, sorry doesn't cut it anymore. The punishment-" Annabeth choked back a sob, "is terrible. And it's your fault. So unless you can get Poseidon to ease up on the torture, we're done." Annabeth said coldly and turned around, sobbing.

I turned back around, silent tears dripping down my face. She hates me. I knew it. What am I going to do?

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