Chapter 20-A Sister's Guilt

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Firstly thanks to WhereTheSnowFalls for my new awesome cover!! It looks amazing so muchas gracias to you :D 

Secondly I apologise for this chapter-I feel really bad because this is a very important chapter for me (and probably for you and I guess for the book ) and it just hasn't turned out the way I wanted it to :( But I hope you think it's ok but if not I understand and i'm sorry. 

Anyway please let me know what you think :) 

 “Clary maybe you need to take a break.” Simon said gently. “We all want Magnus to wake up but-”

“I’m not wrong Simon.” Clary said fiercely. She stood by Magnus side for a long time feeling everyone’s eyes fixed on him as well, but nothing happened.

Jace came and put a hand on her shoulder, “Maybe-” But his words were cut off by a loud groan that rose from Magnus’ lips.

“Magnus?” Clary said warily.

This time they all saw it when Magnus fingers jerked slightly before his hand clenched into a tight fist. Another pained groan echoed through the room as his head snapped to the side.

“What’s wrong with him?” Isabelle asked. But no one had an answer.

All four of them stood there helplessly as Magnus’ movements grew more and more violent, his body jerking and thrashing as his lips moved silently, a continuous chant, mouthing the same thing over and over again:

Alec. Alec. Alec. Alec. Alec.

The inside of Magnus’ head was jumble of colour and sounds; memories swirling through his head without making any sense.

Alec. Flames.

Alec. A demon.

Alec. Pain.

“ALEC!” The name ripped from Magnus’ throat as he jerked upright, his eyes wild. He glanced around the room agitatedly looking for the person who meant everything to him. But he was nowhere to be found.

“Where is he?” Magnus all but growled, his voice hoarse from lack of use. His eyes flashed and sparks jumped spasmodically from his fingertips as the remnants of his terrible memories still lingered in his mind, leaving him raw and on edge.

“Magnus you need to calm down before we can explain everything,” Isabelle said sternly, tracking his every movement.

The warlock stared at the other Lightwood for a long time as the crazed look in his eyes slowly dissipating. Putting his head in his hands he took three deep, calming breaths as he stared into the darkness of his palms.

Lifting his head he looked around the room again, taking in his surroundings properly this time. It didn’t make sense.

Moving round so he sat on the edge of the bed he stretched, wincing at the stiffness in his long limbs.

“What happened?”

“You’ve been in a coma for days.” Clary said sympathetically.

“Not to me. Where’s Alec?” Worry coloured his voice and surprisingly he made no effort to disguise it.

They all looked at Isabelle but she ignored them, stepping closer to the warlock.

“We found you both unconscious at your flat so we brought you back here. Alec woke up after 12 hours or so but couldn’t remember anything that had happened after going to your flat-he couldn’t even tell us why he had gone there in the first place.”

‘The demon must have been repressing his memories in order to stay hidden to the others.’ Magnus thought.

“We all expected you to wake up around the same time but…you didn’t. We even asked the Silent Brothers to come down but they couldn’t’ do anything at the moment either. It was very powerful magic they said.”

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