Chapter 1

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I, Kathryn James, vowed to be the best at what I did, no matter what! But.....I didn't expect to become a maid, especially for some guard dog of the Queen! It all started, when I was back in America........

My father and mother were lovely people. Yet, they smoked, and when they stopped, thy were arguing, fighting, always calmly talking of divorce. I'm thirteen, and thy still treated me like a child. I was trained in archery by my father, and art by my mother. I had mostly lived with my grandparents, but since they passed away.......

One night, after I had had enough of my parents. I snuck out, and went to the docs. I stowed away on a ship, carrying tea. It was hard to hide. I was five foot nine, with light brown hair that went to the floor. Yet.....most thought of me as a man. I had pale green eyes, and at a distance, I did look like a young man. In America, the young ladies would fawn over me......until they got a closer look!

When the ship docked, th men and in quickly, and I hid in one of the crates. I hit in a crate full of Earl Grey no less......When th crate was jumbled around some, I heard what sounded like horses. This crate was going to someone directly....... The carriage took off, and the crate....flew off. I was knocked around, until th crate came to a stop. When I exited, I found myself about to fall into the water, teetering on the edge of a doc.

I quickly jumped out, and brushed myself off. I wore unusual clothing. Not to stand out, no, but they were comfortable. I wore black pants, a crisp white dress shirt, and a black vest. I wore black leather shoes. Most would see me as maybe a butler for a wealthy family. In reality, I'm nothing but a young girl, who couldn't care less.

I walked down th streets of London, hands behind my head. I rolled up my sleeves, to my elbows, and casually walked down th stone streets. I placed around, and, sadly, found young women glancing at me, with smiles. Do they not see the long hair? I thought to myself. As I continued walking, a young woman in a dark dress slid up next to me.

"Oh my, sorry Sir, I didn't mean to-" she turned to me, smiling seductively, then froze when she saw I was a girl.

"Whatever..." I simply replied, and went past her.

I looked back, and saw the girl, and th est of the young ladies were speechless. It's your own damn fault for being stupid.....I had thought. I continued walking, until I reached a marketplace. Damn, I forgot money.....and clothes.....I sadly thought. I walked past silently and slowly, quickly stealing an apple, before the owner of the stand noticed.

I took a bite, and smirked at my cleverness. Ah, what shame shall I bring upon my family next? I thought, thinking of my parents disapproval. They disapproved of my attire, they disapproved of my behavior, they disapproved of everything. Such idiots.....

I continued walking, until I ran into something. I dropped my apple, and growled slightly.

"Oi! Watch it!" I said, looking up. I found myself face to chest with a butler and a boy.

"You watch yourself peasant! How dare you speak to me in such a way," the boys said.

He seemed near my age, maybe older. I was above average in height, but he was my height.

"Pipsqueak, I suggest you watch your tone," I snipped. Th boy looked at me, and I saw one of his blue eyes, had an eye patch.

"You better watch yours!" The boy said. Suddenly, the butler was between us.

"Oi!" I exclaimed. The butler looked down at me, and I tilted my chin up.

He cleared his throat, and pulled out an apple. Where'd he get that?! I exclaimed in my head. He took my hand, and placed the apple in it.

"I'm sorry Madame, we didn't mean to start trouble," the butler said in a silky tone.

"Madame? This is a man, is it not? He smells of Earl Grey, and look upon his attire...." The boy said, from behind the butler.

"Excuse me Pipsqueak! I'm a girl," I said.

The boy moved his butler away, and faced me.

"Prove it." Was all he said. I started laughing, trying to hold it back.

"What is so funny?" He asked.

"You're perverted," I said, holding my slim stomach, laughing.

"W-what? I am not!" He exclaimed.

"Then how am I to provide I'm a girl, without showing you the difference between the genders?" I asked, still laughing.

"Take your hair down," he instructed.

I grabbed my ponytail, and groaned in annoyance. It took a bit of effort, but I finally got the hair tie off. My hair pooled around my shoes, and th young boy looked at me in surprise, and so did his butler.

"I still don't believe you..." The boy said, unbelievingly.

I slightly growled, and put my hair back up.

"Then what do you suppose I do?" I asked.

"How about this," his butler suddenly took his master's hand, and placed it on my breast.

My eye twitched, and I locked up. The boy seemed just as shocked. The butler smirked, and did the same to himself, as he did to the boy. I growled, and grabbed both of their arms.

"You....PERVERTS!" I snarled. I twisted their arms, and dug my knees into their backs.

"Sebastian! Do something!" The boy cried.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything, Master. I seem to have my hands tied," the butler said.

I glared own at the two, then realized something. We were still in the market......and had attracted quite the crowd. I cleared my throat, and released them. I turned away, my hair smacking the young boy's face. I walked, until I reached a wooded area. Better than nothing....I thought. I walked into h forest, and found myself a small river of some sorts, and I decided to make myself a camp.

I had been a heavy reader as a child, and still did. I read all types of stories, and did happen to read one on survival. I began to break small branches off the nearby trees. It took a while, but I finally made a suitable camp. A tent made of branches, and a fire, made by smashing two rocks together. I'm so glad I read that book.... I thought, relieved. It was getting to be dark, so I crawled into my makeshift tent, and unravelled my sleeves. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

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