#1 I was cleaning my closet and I found a fucking crab like a big ass crab and I yelled "MAGALI HELP ME" (magali is a friend of mine who is super fucking clever she's like einstein 2.0) and she came in the room and said "I am the crab" and kissed it then pinched me
#2 I was at my friend's house to see his newborn little sister and it had my friend's head like a legit real sized adult head with a tiny baby body and I was scared so I ran away and his mother got offended
#3 My brother found out I'm a lesbian (??) and I panicked
#4 Donald Trump was elected and all of my friends from america were jailed and I went to save them but I fell in a bucket of tacos and woke up
#5 I was a fucking lizard. Not doing anything just laying, breathing, lizarding
#6 I was telling what I did for spring break in class and the teacher sang mmm why u always lyin and everybody laughed
#7 I was up a fly of stairs and downstairs, one of my friend who study to be an hairdresser was insulting my hair
#8 I was in Brighton in the UK and that my friend Mélanie wanted to braid my hair (idk either) but she dyed it blue instead
#9 I was at a carnival with all of my teachers
#10 I was at a james arthur concert and he spit on me