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HELLO!! This is my first time writing on wattpad so I don't really know how to work this. Well I don't expect anyone to read this and I'm only doing this for fun so yeah I'm just going to have fun with this. Hope someone enjoys this! :)



I never know how to start stories. Mother always told me that the first thing you do is introduce yourself. What mother tells me is law and I have to obey it.

My name is Piper and this is my story.

This all started when I was young, about 4-5, more or less. I was swinging at the play set in South Dakota. From the highest point of the swing I felt like I could see everything, the mountains, rivers, the sun. But then something happened. I couldn't see the mountains or the rivers or the sun. The darkness swarmed everywhere covering everything in its path.

"Mommy?" my 5 year old self said. "MOMMY?!" All the sudden I hear voices some calm, some raging on loud enough for me to hear. "Where is she?!" A loud voice says and I think it's that of a mans voice. "Where did you hide her?!" he yells again. Then I hear a soft whisper "I'll never tell you." it says and I think it's mommy. But I never get the chance to yell out when I hear a CRACK and a dull thump sounding like a body falling to the floor. "Mommy?" I ask. "Run." is her last word when her head falls to the ground.

I look around an the men stare at me. What am I going to do? The start slowly walking towards me, like they are doing it in slow motion. I back away and think of Mommy's last words "run" and I bolt to our house. I look over my shoulder and the men look surprised. I keep running but my hair isn't making it any better, it whips at my face like branches would do and it makes it harder to see. Not to mention my tears which are stinging my eyes.

I make it to the house and climb into my closet. I hear the voices again, and my tears are streaming and I can't stop sobbing. I suddenly hear daddy's voice. "Daddy?" I whisper "Daddy?!" I scream and the voices stop. It may be that I am too far away from them or they just suddenly stop I don't know, all I know is that I have to go to aunties or to Fawns house , my best friend or as my 5 year old self would say BFF.

I slowly step out of the closet looking closely for any signs of movement. I move towards the door and gently pull it open hearing the squeaking noise on the doors hinges. I look left then right, like I do when I'm crossing the road.

I sprint down the hall and run towards mom and dads room but I find it empty. I race down the hall again and trip falling flat on my face. I look to my side and see a pair of eyes through the darkness. I scrambled backwards till my back hit the wall and look into the eyes. Their daddy's. His eyes are glazed over just like mommy's. I start crying. How could they do this to us? Why did mommy and daddy die? "YOU BIG FAT UGLY PEOPLE! HOW COULD YOU?! THEY WERE MY PARENTS!" I cry out. The tears keep flowing from my eyes to my chin. I cover my face into my hands and the sobs rack my body. Why them, why me! out of all the other people in the world!

I eventually fall into a deep and horrifying sleep where mommy and daddy were being kill all over again. It was a gruesome scene and I don't want to replay it ever again.

I wake up to a light tap on my shoulder. A boy about the same age as me, about 5-6, hovers over me. He moves his hand that makes it look like he wants me to come with him."Why should I follow you?" I say and I find some sass in my voice, but mostly tiredness. The look in his eyes compels me to go. I slowly stand up but my knees go weak and he catches me by my arm. He points to the door and we both head out.

We walk along the hard ground in the poring rain." Where are we going?" I ask in a tired voice. He says nothing but we keep walking. We walk for about a mile to where he is talking me but on the way we stop to take a break. I walk over and sit on the bench and he sits right next to me. I finally get a good look at him, he has candlestick blond hair, freckles all over his face and dark blue eyes like the ocean. " I still don't know your name." I question. "Colby" he says quietly and that's the first thing that he's said to me the whole time. "Where do you live?" I ask. He doesn't answer me, he just sits there and stares into the darkness. "Um thank you for helping me." I say trying to break the awkwardness between us.

"Where's your parents?" I ask, and as soon as I say it I regret saying it. He looks at me with his dark blue sorrow-filled eyes and says "With yours." And what he says breaks my heart and I rest my head on his shoulder. He wiggles around uncomfortably and says "We should get going." And then stands up and starts walking. I didn't want to get lost so I followed him to were we were going.

I follow him to a building called an orphanage and say "Why are you taking me here?" and I stop at the bottom of the steps. "Stay here." Is the only thing that he said. I run over and hug him tightly. "Thank you so much, thank you, I haven't had a friend before." I said "Please don't leave me, please." and with that he said "I'm sorry , I'm so sorry." And he broke out of the hug and sprinted away."Goodbye ." I whisper to myself.

I knock on the door and a lady in her mid 40s answers. "Annie?" she says turning her head so that she faces inside." Are we supposed to have visitors?" "I don't think so." The one called Annie says. I look at them pleadingly and hope they will understand." Where's your parents dear?" The lady asks. I hesitate for a moment then answer "Dead." I say my voice cracking and I repeat "Dead." In a louder manner.

"Would you like to stay with us honey?" She asks and all I can do is nod my head.

She opens the door and leads me in.


HULLO!! I hope you like it and please don't critic it because I'm only 13. PLEASE IM JUST A CHILD!!! I say in a whining voice filled with sarcasm PLEASE!! Ok so this is my first book and I only decided to write it because of my friends, they said I was good now you see that I'm bad and that my friends were wrong. Anyway FUN FACT ABOUT MEE: I am doing cross country. EVEN THOUGH I HATE RUNNING. So you see the irony in that?! ANOTHER FUN FACT: I AM MORMON!!! That means you will find no bad language in this book. YAY!!! I've been searching for a book with no bad language so I FOUND ONE ITS MINE. I am a big disney fan too so you will see some disney quotes here and there. Wow this takes up half the chapter. Oh sorry that my chapters are so short I hate them long and plus I get writers block A LOT. Anyway VOTE COMMENT!! ITS LIKE CHRISTMAS!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! PRESENTS!!! I will try to have the next chapter by eh next week.

Goodnight my people.

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