Chapter seven

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Chapter seven


"What?!" I say to the nurse but she acts like she didn't hear me and heads into Henry's room in a rush.

"Um... nurse?" I ask the nurse who is still behind the wheelchair. "Can we go in there?"

"Um sure." She says in a daze. She's probably more surprised that he woke up than me. We walk into the room and find four nurses checking his heartbeat, checking blood pressure, and and looking at the computer with some weird numbers on it.

I look over at Henry and see his eyes slowly flutter open and get used to the lighting. "Henry?" I say and the nurse wheels me to his bedside.

He looks over at me and smiles. " Oh my goodness Henry don't ever do something that stupid again." I say and hug him. After a few moments I let go and looks at the ceiling and sighs. " I don't believe that saving your life was stupid." He croaks.

" It was if you almost died. " I say and he looks at me. After a minute or so he looks at me in confusion and asks. "Wait I almost died?"

I let out a laugh. "Yes, you were in a coma with internal bleeding. They said you weren't going to make it." I say " You were going to let me live with the guilt that you died and I lived. " I take a deep breath. "I would have traded my life with yours in that moment. Don't EVER do that to me again. Do you understand?!" I say angry that he would make me live through that.

Instead he laughs. " I would have never given up on you Piper." And smiles. "Ok?" he says. And my anger wipes away just like that. "Ok." I say "But if you get any more ideas about doing something as crazy and stupid as that..." I say thinking. " Don't kill yourself, ok?"

"Yeah." Henry says "Ok." We sit there for some time and the words that were unspoken for awhile fill the gaps. "Thank you for saving me though." I say "It means a lot that you would do that for me."

"So I think that your family called you wondering where you are." He says. "Yeah actually they asked me if I needed to be picked up but I said that I could take a cab or a rental car, what about you? Where's your family?" I say.

He looks up at the ceiling and gulps. "They died six years ago." He says and the look in his eyes says it all. "I'm so sorry I didn't know..." I continue but he interrupts. "Please don't do that. I'm not a lost puppy or five year old boy. Anyway I don't like to talk about it."

He looks at me and I look straight back trying to find out what he's hiding, but find nothing in return. " So where are you going?" I ask.

"Anywhere that will take me places." He says. "But I was thinking of going to Tennessee, I heard its nice there." He says and smiles. Tennessee is where uncle Ben and aunt Cara are. "Well." I say. "Today is your lucky day because it just so happens that I'm going to Tennessee too." I say and I know that he knew I was going to Tennessee.

"I maybe able to squeeze someone into a car if you need a ride there, but you might want to be careful, the girls will be flocking to me once we get to Tennessee." He says and laughs. "You wish!" I say and start laughing so hard it's only air coming out and no sound. "Stop stop! I need to breath." I say and get my breath back.

"You're only laughing because you know it's true!" he says. And this only makes me laugh even harder.

Right then one of the nurses come up to us. "Are you feeling any better sir?" she says. Henry stops laughing and looks up at the nurse. "Yes, thank you very much. " He says. "You're welcome, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know." She says. "Right away." Henry says and with that she walks out the door with the nurse who was pushing my wheelchair.

Right then it was just the two of us, we were alone.

"So I know I have right to ask this but what was your nightmare about?" Henry's says out of the blue. "I'll tell you later. I don't feel comfortable talking about it. Just so you know my family's dead like yours so I know exactly how you're feeling, believe it or not." I say.

Time passes by before he answers. "You're right, I'm sorry." He says. "Wait what did you say?" I ask him. "You heard me." He says. "The big strong brave Henry is apologizing! Oh I wish I had a recorder." I say and start laughing again. He laughs for a moment then try's to sit up.

He looks like he's about to pass out when he sits up all the way. He tips his head back and leans on the pillows.

"You know I really thought you weren't going to make it." I say and look at him. "Do you know how scary it was? I was here for a week and we heard nothing of you." I say and take his hand and squeeze it tight. " Don't ever do that to me again." I say and lower my head down.

He pulls me into a hug and pats my back. "I had to see my parents die, how would I go on if I had to see you die too?" I ask and he pulls me out of the hug. "Because you are strong Piper. One of the strongest, stubborn, hardheaded person I have ever met."

And with that he leans in closer and I do to. But before that happened the door to the room slammed open and there stood two figures.

"Oh no." Says Henry.


So happy with that? I am. And I'm really tired. So yay!!!





Did y'all have fun over winter break? I did well actually I got sick. That's what I got.

OHHH and I went to a camp for three days!!!! yay!!

I'll see you later!

Goodnight my people.

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