Heritage (Chapter 7)

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Chapter 7 - Ethan

I sit back in my chair take a sigh of relief as I finally finish my paperwork that has been stacked on my desk for weeks. I stand up and put on my jacket, buttoning it up as I walk out of my office.

I begin to head down the hall toward Elena's classroom to inform her of some news I have. As I approach her class I see the rush of her students hurrying out her class to go wherever they need to be. Once the Cadets file out of her room I poke my head in her room with a grin on my face.

“What would you say if I told you that I have reservations at your favorite restaurant tonight?’  I say perching myself on her desk.

“Nova? You really got us reservations?” 

“I sure did, baby. For seven. So you have plenty of time to relax in the HabMod before you get ready,” I say taking her hand and kissing her wedding band.

We didn't take the time to wait for our wedding. We both knew for sure that we wanted it so we had a quick and quiet wedding performed by a Justice of the Peace. I had Damien as my best man. Leon I believe was only a week old by that point. We lived in peace for a while, then around a week after Leon’s third birthday, we received a call from the President.

He had explained to us about the Poseidon, which was at the time, only a prototype vessel. At the time, it was the only vessel in space that generated its own oxygen from a greenhouse placed on the ship.

Even now, as more of this class of ship are being built, this one is still hailed as the best and most well-built ship in the fleet. This ship was built for a reason though; the war had begun again with a major offensive being launched by the Sekrid army, and the taking of planet Carmen and all of its human colonies.

During the first years the Poseidon faced many skirmishes and tore the enemy to pieces with its state of the art weaponry. But now, it's become a training ship for all new Cadets as can be plainly seen.

Elena and I walk hand-in-hand back to our Habmod. As we enter, the first thing she does is unpin her dark auburn hair.

Her hair is one my favorite things about her, among everything else. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me, and kissing her neck.

“How was your day?” She asks me while unbuttoning her jacket and tossing it onto the bed.

“Besides our son wreaking havoc? Not too thrilling. Pushing papers mostly,” I respond, running my hands down her arms as she removes her regulation belt.

After Elena is done undressing, and smacking my hand for trying to get touchy-feely with her, she goes into the bathroom and takes a long bath, leaving me grinning at her.

After she spends a half hour in the bath, we take turns using the bathroom mirror and sink to get ready for our reservation at Nova.

After finishing our last minute preparations, I lead her to the hangar and unlock our Hydrapod with my TAPs device. I quickly make my way to Elena's door and open it for her, kissing her as she takes a seat in the vehicle.

“Been waiting all day to do that properly. Hop in, I’m starved,” I say to her, sliding into the driver's seat.

I pick up speed as I exit the hangar and go down the runway. I touch one simple button on the touchpad in the Hydrapod, and it lifts off. The trip takes a couple minutes at most and upon stopping, I quickly open Elena's door for her.

We walk another two blocks to reach Nova, mine and Elena’s favorite restaurant.

We are greeted by a blonde woman who seems to be trying as hard as she can to flaunt her assets. I hardly notice her though, as I already have the perfect women for me.

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