Heritage (Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16 - Leon



"I stubbed my toe!" Stella exclaims quietly. She and I stayed up until midnight working on the Krakens.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go, we're not far from my module. I'll be fine the rest of the way if you need to get to your—"

"Not a chance, Stells. I'm not leaving you to get busted on your own for curfew. Your HabMod is right up here anyways, I'll be fine," I reply helping her retain her balance and handing.

Stella and I held hands the whole way to her Habmod, and instead of being all nervous and sweaty, it actually felt quite natural to me.

"Uh, Stella?" I say in a shy tone as we reach the door of her Habmod.


"Well...I was wondering if maybe...well if you're not doing anything that is...uh..." I stop and take a deep breath and look in her eyes, determined to finish my sentence.

"What is it, Leon?"

"Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow?" I say finishing my question still staring into her beautiful, deep eyes.

She continues staring into my eyes before she finally snaps out of her reverie and answers.

"I'd love to, Leon."

"Great. Uh...how does dinner and a movie sound? In the ship-town, of course. I can probably borrow Dad's Hydra,"

"That sounds perfect. I'll... I'll see you tomorrow then," she says to me as she kisses me on the cheek. She then gives me a smile and reluctantly removes her hand from mine.

As she closes her door, she gives me a wave and I give a smile back before turning around and heading to my own Habmod. But first, I decide to give the good news to my parents. I burst into their room with an excited look on my face.

"Mom! Dad! You are not gonna believe what just happened!" I yell, turning the lights on.

"Leon...I swear to you this better be good or I'm confining you to your Habmod for a week."

"Okay okay. I'll tell you. You're gonna love this!"


"I need to borrow..."


"The Hydra because..."

"Leon!" my dad finally yells, obtaining my attention.


"Okay dad...I'm calm," I say taking a deep breath.

"Good. Now what's this about needing to borrow the Hydra?"

"Well...I asked Stella to my party, as well as asked her to be my date for the party. Plus, I asked her on a date tomorrow...well...today. And I need to borrow the Hydra since there's no other way of transportation there."

My father looks at my mother and she slowly grins and nods her head. My father then keys my TAPS into the ignition systems for the Hydra.

Alright Leon. You wreck it though, and I'm literally going to take it out of your ass."

"I know dad. Thanks!" I say, leaving the room skipping like a school boy.

After reaching my own Habmod, I take a shower, brush my teeth and fall into my bed, stretching my feet out and flexing them to remove any stiffness.

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