Heritage (Chapter 30)

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Chapter 30 - Leon

"Alright, signal is out, let's book it down to the hangar," Uncle Damien says in an urgent voice.

We exit the control room in a sprint, running as fast as we can down the halls. My speed is so great that my eyes go to tunnel vision and everything around me is blurred is except for the path ahead.

"Sekrid!" Dad yells, pointing ahead of us.

"I got him!" Uncle Damien yells in response.

The Sekrid soldier has no time to react by the time he catches eye of us. As uncle Damien turns the corner, he slams into the commando, tossing him through a room window, knocking the Sekrid out cold.

The run goes on for ten minutes before we see the door to the hangar. We were moving so fast that we traversed from one end of the Poseidon to the other in a simple ten minutes. Father uses the door to stop himself and then presses the button to open it up. We all enter and begin to catch our breath.

"Whew...that was one hell of a run," Uncle Damien says in between gasps for air.

"Yeah, well how bout' getting behind something?" Dad says, pulling my arm and dragging me down next to him behind a set of crates as Mom, Stella, and Uncle Damien do the same.

"There's a troop of Sekrid guarding the hangar down the way," Dad says.

"What're we gonna do then?" I ask.

"When the ship gets in, it'll blow those soldiers to hell, don't worry about it guys," Uncle Damien says in confidence.

Uncle Damien stops and puts a finger up to silence the conversation. He holds a hand up to his ear and a smirk comes across his face and he looks at us.

"They'll be here in five," he says.

We all nod in agreement and smile simultaneously. Dad peeks over the crates and sees the rescue ship heading our way. He moves his vision to the Sekrid. I peek over the crates myself, and I see that the Sekrid are acting odd and they begin to point into space.

"Shit, you think they saw the ship?" I ask.

"Hm...even if they did, they can't do anything anyway," Dad responds.

"Wait a minute...Dad what the hell is that?" I ask once more as two Sekrid kneel on the ground with what seems to be a launcher.

"Oh fuck...Those are Jackal missiles; Damien take them out!" Dad yells.

Damien immediately pulls up his rifle and aims down the sights. He fires a burst of rounds and hits both soldiers accurately as the Sekrid pulls the trigger on the launcher.

"Yeah! You got em' Uncle!"

"No I didn't," Uncle Damien says through his teeth angrily.

"Yeah you did, look, the missile is going completely to the left of the ship."

"Jackal missiles have the most advanced tracking equipment you can find," Stella says, interjecting into the conversation. "All it takes is for just one to be launched in any direction towards the target, and boom," she says, finishing her explanation.

"Wait so does that mean..."

And before I can finish my sentence, the missile collides with the rescue ship. It veers to the left, but still moving on it's fast-paced course towards the ship.

"Damn it! The ship is going to collide with ours! Take cover!" Dad screams as he covers Mom.

Uncle Damien crouches over Stella and I as well. My muscles tighten, and my heart pumps harder, anticipating the impact. I hear a nearly deafening crunch of metal as the rescue ship collides with the side of The Poseidon.

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