Heritage (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8 - Leon

“You wanted to see me dad?”  I say walking into my father's office.

“Yeah Leon, take a seat. No need to salute, I'm not your CO right now, I'm just dad,” he says as I take a seat in the chair across from his desk.

“So, your mother and I have been talking about your birthday...and we still have just one important invitation left. You know what I'm talking about son?” 

“Yeah dad...I know. I’m just nervous about it, what if she says no?”

“Well, then at least you tried Leon. I know you wanna invite her for reasons other than just for the sake of the party. I can tell you like the girl. And hell, if I were your age I'd most likely be chasing her too.” 

“Psh, are you really implying that I like her dad?” 

“I'm not implying, I already know. You look at her just like I looked at your mother when I started falling in love with her. You also bicker with her like you have a crush on her too,” he says as I look down in embarrassment like I've been caught doing something wrong.

“Don't worry about it Leon, I approve. She’s the perfect young woman for you. You just need to grow a pair and ask her to your party already.” 

“Grow a pair, really dad?” 

“Hey, just because I'm older then you does not mean I'm not up with the slang. Trust me, I know more than you will ever realize.” 

I just shake my head and smile.

“Whatever dad.” 

“But anyway, are we at an understanding here son?” 

“Yeah dad.”

“Alright, good. By the way, I have a surprise for you, you're getting your own squad.” 

“What? Seriously?” 

“Yeah. Jameson went down the tubes, so we have no one else to command a squad because everyone else is a genuinely bad Cadet. You however, are just a curious one.” 

“Wow...thanks dad, I'll take the squad, and I'll do everything I can to bring it back up to shape.”

“That's my boy. I still have one more thing to work out for it and then it'll be yours. Well, I better not keep you any longer, you're dismissed son.”

I stand up grinning, and rush out of the room to go to mother's workroom. I arrive just a few minutes before I'm supposed to be there and enter the room.

“Hey son, how'd the talk with your father go?”  My mom asks me.

“It went pretty well. I wasn't in trouble for anything this time.” 

“Well that's good, I'm glad you're finally getting your act together son.” 

I give my mom a quick smile and take a seat. A few minutes go by and Stella enters the workroom, giving my mother a quick salute. Mom smiles and heads for the door. She turns around to address us one time before leaving.

“I expect you two to be on your best behavior in my workroom, I want to find it the way I left it. Work hard, I’m positive that you two can find a solution. Goodnight,” she says to us, giving a radiant smile, almost as if knowing that we're going to succeed.

Things become awkwardly quiet for a few moments before I decide to say something.

“Uh, well…we can get to work, if you’re ready,” I say, trying to be polite.

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