Heritage (Chapter 55)

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Chapter 55: Leon

In. Out. In. Out. In through the nose, out of the mouth. It was a simple technique one of my coaches taught me as a kid. I used to have asthma, and before I grew out of it, I would have to do this sometimes. I've carried the technique with me through the years and use it to control my breathing when I work out.

Exercising has been one of the few acts of freedom I have living here. Every day for the past month or so, Tal has been lugging me around to various areas across Argalia. While I can't say that it's not fascinating to learn about. I still feel like a prisoner. I'll still take it over a tiny cell and one meal a day any day of the week.

The repetition of it all has simply grown tedious for me. I finish a set of push ups and stand up, using a towel to wipe off my brow. I turn around to face the window at the far end of the cabin and am nearly startled off my feet by a woman standing there, looking outside of it. She's shadowed so I can't make out her face.

"Do you mind if I visit more often? I feel like you've been missing me."

She turns and walks closer towards me. As the shadow fades, I realize who it is.

"How.... How the hell are you standing in front of me?" I barely speak.

My knees become weak and I fall into a sitting position on my bed.

She hurries to my side and sits next to me.

"No worries love. I'm still in your head,"

"So...I'm just crazy and hallucinating then?"

"Oh, heavens no, I'm still real, just instead of in your dreams; I'm using your mind to project an image of myself while you're awake. It's a bit more personal that way," She says while tapping on my forehead a few times.

I squirm away from her and stand up "This can't be happening...why...is this happening?"

She suddenly appears at my side.

"You see..." She starts, taking her hands and placing it on my face, turning it towards her.

The touch feels authentically real, making me question whether what she says is true.

"You and I became quite a bit closer mentally the last time we spoke. You did kiss me after all,"

A smile forms on her face.

"You're also rather close to the object that holds my consciousness, all you need to do is pinpoint it for me," She finishes placing another tap of a finger on my nose.

I turn my body to face her.

"Who says I agreed to what you asked?"

She smiles again "You didn't have to love. You want to,"

"I do not!" I yell, turning my back and walking away from her.

She sidles up behind me and wraps her thin, pale arms around me, placing her chin on my shoulder and running a finger up and down my chest.

"Why must you keep playing this game Leon? Do you really think that I'm lying to you? That I'm using you?"

I peel her arms off of me and face her

"Yes Ka.... Crinza...I do,"

Crinza shakes her head playfully "No love. I'm not,"

She turns and walks away from me, then turns back with a somber expression, staring at the floor.

"I've had many millennia to think on many things Leon. You and all of the other mortals see me as evil for simply doing what I need to sustain life,"

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