Heritage (Chapter 63)

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Chapter 63: Leon

It's so quiet. It's so dark. The only light is that of the one hanging above my head. I never know who is going to walk through that door to dole out new tortures like I'm some sort of a play thing. The only sounds I can hear are those of my blood, dripping from my mouth to the floor. My sweat rains down as well, mixing with the blood and dirt to create a murky substance.

It's been nothing but pain...endless pain since I was brought here.

Pain and loneliness.

Most people think that hell is a place where you burn for all eternity in a fiery palace. I think those people are liars. This is the real hell. Locked up and left alone in the darkness by someone you love. The only outside contact you can take solace in are the individuals who come to dole out suffering to you.

The only other sound you get to hear in this place is that of their fist thumping against your face and body.

I cried at first. I cried a lot.

The whimpers and sobs were the lullaby that sung me to sleep at night for some time. But soon enough the tears dried up and I felt...nothing.

Every punch in the face and kick in the ribs is simply...numb.

I feel like the Sekrid who take pleasure in my torture have realized that by now and have been showing up less and less often lately.

Come to think of it, Crinza hasn't visited either.

"Is someone thinking of me?"

My head snaps up to see Crinza's smiling face. Whether I'm losing my mind or not, the sight of Crinza makes the tears come back as I start to cry hysterically, never happier in my life to see another living soul.

Crinza kneels down in front of me and places a hand on my face.

"I'm here now, love. I'm so sorry you've been left here like this. I wish there were some way to free you,"

"I...don't care about any of that. I'm just...thank you for coming,"

Crinza tilts my face up so that my eyes meet hers.

"Why Crinza...why do these things keep happening?" I ask her.

I see a tear stream down her cheek.

"I don't know, love. But I want to protect you from it. I want to make sure that not another tear falls from your face again. All you have to do is release me,"

"I don't even know where you are..."

"Oh, but I do. Haven't you noticed that my touch is a bit more noticeable now?"

Crinza touches my face again, rubbing her thumb on my cheek and I'm taken aback at the realization that she's being truthful.

"How?" I ask.

"You're so close to me, Leon. If you can find a way out of here, I can show you the way. The closer you are, the stronger I am in yo--," Crinza cuts herself off and stares at the door; I see her silver eyes turn black.

"Your friends are coming. This could be your chance,"

"I don't know if I have the strength right now,"

Crinza snaps back to me "You must have the strength. I might be able to...,"

"To do what?"

"Well, you know that you aren't fully cured, Leon"

"What? How am I not cured?"

"How else do you think we're still connected? Their little cure eliminates the physical effects of my pets. But the mental link is something else entirely. All the so called cure does, is deactivate the 'parasite' as you call it. But since we're still connected, I could always try and activate it again,"

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