Chapter 3

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You woke up slowly and rolled over in bed before sitting up.  It was Sunday morning.  You got up slowly and opened your shades.  The sun was really bright.  You looked at your clock.  It was 9:58am.  You walked over to the other side of your bed and checked your phone.  You had 5 more missed FaceTime calls from Justin, not including the one you ignored before falling asleep.  What caught your eye was that one of the calls was from 3:54am and you couldn't help but think.
Was he up that late because he was thinking about me?  Or was he up because of something else and just decided to call?
You decided to sit on the edge of your bed and text Ava about what happened.

Ava, last night I didn't tell Justin about my feelings.
Clarissa is moving into town.  She isn't going back to Italy or whatever...
What do I do?

You waited a moment to see if she would reply.  In the meantime, you looked through your Instagram feed and liked a few pictures.  Then, a text came in from Ava.  You opened it from your notifications.

I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned. 
I can see why that'd be a set back to telling him how you feel. 
My advice to you is to still tell him, but when you're ready.

You replied saying 'okay' before setting your phone back down and going to the bathroom.  You took a bath before getting out and wrapping yourself in a towel.  You went to get dressed in your room and ready.  You changed into grey sweatpants and a cropped black hoodie.  You put Vans shoes on your feet.  You put everything else away and grabbed your phone and noticed a new text message.  It was from Justin.  The text came in 5 seconds ago saying

I'm at your door, open up please.

You headed downstairs and said good morning to your parents before opening the front door and stepping out.  You shut it behind you.  You saw Justin there with a blank face.  He was wearing a black shirt that fit him well so you could see the outline of his chest in it and abs.  He also wore ripped blue jeans more faded at the rips. 
"What are you doing here?"
He looked at you for a moment before giving you a hug and pulling away.
"I want to know what happened last night...
I can't help but think I hurt you or did something wrong."
You felt guilty that you made Justin feel guilty unintentionally.
"What did I do?  Why did you get all sad?"
You hung your head and looked at your shoes.  "I don't think I should say," you said.
He looked at you for a moment.  You looked back up at him.
"Can we go out?"
"What?" you replied.  You felt confused and happy but you didn't show the happy part.
"You know.  Go out.  Like go out for breakfast?"
When he said the breakfast part, the smile you had inside faded to a straight face.
"Sure, I'll be right back," you said.  You headed inside and told your parents you were going to have breakfast with Justin.
"Okay, and say hi to Justin for me and welcome back!" your mom said.
"Same for me," your dad added.
"Will do," you said.  You rushed upstairs and grabbed your small black purse and ran back down with it on your shoulder and your phone in hand.  You ran back outside and closed the door behind you.
"We can go now," you said giving Justin a smile.  You guys walked side by side to his car.
"My parents say hi and welcome back," you said.
Justin looked at you and gave you a smile.
"Tell 'em thanks when you get the chance and I'd like to say hi to them in person."
You guys got into his car and drove off.
The car ride was silent.  It wasn't a long ride before you guys soon pulled up in front of a cafe.  You guys took a seat by the big window and ordered your food and drinks.  You guys had small chat.  You both talked about college next month and how you were both going to the same college.  You also talked about things you'd possibly do after college.  After that and you had both finished your meals, Justin began to ask you something.
"So still won't tell me what happened last night?"
You remained silent and just looking at him.
"Fine," he said followed by a sigh.  He looked down at his plate for a moment and back up at you.
"Come skating with me later this afternoon."
"What about your girlfriend?  Why me?"
He smiled a little.  "You are my best friend.  I haven't seen you in months.  Clarissa is busy dealing with her new house and wants some alone time to figure the house situation out.  Besides, even if she was free and wasn't busy, I'd still ask you.  I missed you."
You smiled.  "Yeah I'll go with you."
"Great," he replied.
He paid for you both even though you insisted on paying.
"Okay but I pay next time okay?"
"Cool," Justin said.
You both headed out and he gave you another hug.
"What's this for?" you asked while hugging him back.
"Just because," he replied.  He held on for another moment before letting go.  You both smiled at eachother.
"So I'm going to walk home.  It's not far.  I want to grab some candy at the corner store anyway."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
Justin gave you a little nod.  "See you in the afternoon.  I'll pick you up."
"See ya."
You watched him walk away and into his car and drive off.  You began to walk home.  You got your candy and ate it on the way.

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