Chapter 1

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Chugga chugga chugga chugga squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!
The train came to a stop. Your heart was pounding. The adrenaline was rushing through you. You felt like a million butterflies were bursting to get out of your stomach. It had been 3 months. A whole 3 months since you had seen him.  The summer seemed longer without him there, but a lot more lonely.  He was your best friend and you couldn't wait to hug him again and see his face without a screen cutting through the two of you.  It was more though.  You had been crushing on Justin since freshman year in high school.  All 4 years of high school, you liked him, but he was just your best friend.  He was sweet and funny.  He had the best smile.  You wanted to see that pretty smile again in person.  You wanted the reason for his smile to be because he was seeing your face again in person.  You were fidgeting around with your hands and on your toes, looking over people's heads.  The doors to the train opened and people started to spill out.  You were dodging people here and there and looking for one face.  Justin's.  You caught a glimpse of someone with brown hair and then you were blocked.  You came closer wanting to see if it was him.  Getting a good look, you realized it wasn't.  You saw someone else and your heart fluttered, but the fluttering stopped once you saw it also was not Justin.  You looked at one door of the train.  More people were coming out.  You were still, eyes fixed on the door.  Then you saw a familiar face.  You heart literally stopped for a moment and skipped a beat.  You felt chocked up inside.  He stepped out. 
It's him!  It's really him!  It's Justin!!!
You were screaming inside and a wave of feelings overcame you.  You finally managed to call out to him.
His head shifted into your direction and you came closer and then he finally made eye contact with you.  You saw the biggest smile form on his face. He rushed out and dropped his bags and he opened his arms wide.  You smiled and raced at him and jumped onto him and gave him the biggest hug and he caught you.  He buried his face into your neck.  You smelt his cologne and it was good to just be with him again.
"I missed you," he said.  His voice made you feel weak.  You hugged him tighter.
"I was missing you like crazy," you said through a smile.
You came back down onto the ground and you guys pulled out of your hug.  You both took a moment to take it all in and you let your eyes roam his face.  The look he was giving you made you feel even more in that moment and you wanted to take action.  It only took a moment for you to come to your senses and realize that you wanted to kiss him.  You took a small step forward to get closer, but not noticeable enough for him to realize you wanted to kiss him.  You took another small step closer but he turned around before you could do anything.  Then, what he was looking at caught your attention.  He was looking at this girl with blond hair standing behind him and giving a small smile, and she looked like she was waiting on him.  You didn't like the way he was looking at her.  The way he was smiling at her, practically gushing.  Like the way you truly felt inside about him but never showed him.  Then, he turned his head back to face you.
"*Y.N.*, this is Clarissa."  The blond haired girl stepped forward and stood next to Justin and then, she took his hand and held it.
"My girlfriend," he added with a smile.  Those words made your heart sink.  You felt so hurt but you didn't show it.  Instead, you masked it with a small, fake, faint smile.  You could barely make eye contact with him so then you looked at her.  She was pretty.  You thought she was better looking than you.  She smiled so perfect and you were more than jealous and hurt so you couldn't look at her longer either.  You looked down at your feet and back up at Clarissa.
"Nice to meet you Clarissa."  Her facial expression showed she was confused, but you didn't know about what.
"What is it?" you asked.
She hesitated.  "Nothing just... it's like Justin described you to me before."  Then she went from confusion back to a smile.  "You must be *Y.N.*"
"Yeah," you replied.
"Sorry, didn't catch that when he just said your name earlier.  I was piecing it together in my head.  Justin has told me so much about you.  He talks about you a lot."
Really?  Justin told Clarissa about me?
The thought made you smile.
He talked about me a lot.  So he thought of me a lot.
"Yeah," Justin said blushing at you.  Him blushing at this made your smile grow.
"Did you guys wanna go eat or?"
They both shook their heads no.
"Tired, long trip, long vacation.  We already ate," Justin said.  He let go of Clarissa's hand to get his bags and walked back to her side.
"I'm good too," Clarissa said.
"So just need a ride home?" you asked them.
"Yeah, but let's definitely hang out tomorrow *Y.N.*.  It's been too long and I missed you like crazy."
You tried to hold back your blushing.
"Okay," you replied.  "Need any help with your bags?"
"I got it," Justin said.  Then you looked at Clarissa who also shook her head.
"No thanks."
"Okay, well I'll drive you home then.  Follow me."
You led the way to your car and they followed.  They loaded their things into the trunk and then Justin sat in the back with Clarissa.  In the car ride, you all talked about the trip Justin had in Italy.  It was about 5 minutes into the conversation and Justin said, "And then Clarissa was there too taking a picture of the same view and we kinda just got started talking."
They talked about their first date and it got you jealous.
"And it was such a nice restaurant," Clarissa added.  You heard a short silence and in the mirror, you saw Clarissa lean in and kiss Justin and you felt a tear and you quickly swiped it away and looked back straight ahead at the road.  It was a quick 2 second kiss, but it felt so awkward to you as if you were watching them make out for eternity. 

For the rest of the ride, it was pretty quite except for a few comments made here and there.
"I missed this place," Justin said.  There were a few more comments in that span of about 10 minutes before you pulled up besides Justin's house and parked.
"Well, this is it," you said.
You all got out and they got their stuff from the back and set them on the curb.  You quickly looked at them both and then at Justin's doorstep.
"Your parents are going to be so happy," you said still looking at the door. 
"Yeah, I'm excited," he said.
You continued to look at the door.  You were having a memory.  It was a flashback of a night after a party Justin had taken to you.  It replayed in your head so vividly as if it were yesterday it had happened. 
You and Justin were at his front door facing eachother.
"This was fun," you said.  "Imma head home."
Justin nodded.  There was a pause.  He began to open his front door while speaking.
"See you at school tomorrow."
When he got the door open, he looked at you.  Without thinking, you gave him a quick peck on his mouth.  Justin didn't react right away.
"You... kissed me," he finally said.
"It's okay.  Maybe it's because of the drink you had."
You nodded, but that wasn't the reason.  You didn't even drink at the party or at all.  You meant what you did.
"Well, goodnight," he said with a small smile.
The flashback stopped.
"You okay?" Justin asked you.  You looked at him and nodded.
"Well, better get going now."  They got their bags and began to walk away.
"See you tomorrow," Justin called back.
"Bye," Clarissa said.
You were left standing there feeling hurt.  It was too late to get him.  Too late for you to tell him how you felt.

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