Chapter Thirteen: Free Day

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'I miss him... I mean, I know he's busy with preparations for his birthday party tonight, but still...'

Yugi sighed as he tipped the watering plant over the plants, giving the beautiful children of nature their daily watering. Watering wasn't his job, but he asked Yami if he could have it since he loved watering plants and enjoying their beauty.

Yugi smiled as he thought about his lover. He was lonely, but he understood; Yami had royal duties to fulfill. Otherwise, Yugi was sure he'd be jumping on Yugi just about now. That then got him thinking about the relationship.

He and Yami had fallen even deeper in love since their confessions two weeks ago. And the past couple days he's been feeling... sexually frustrated. He knew that it was probably wrong that he was already ready to give himself to Yami, but he didn't care. He loved the heir with all his heart and he knew Yami felt the same. He wouldn't mind giving himself to Yami.

He then clutched the cartouche under his shirt and smiled. He felt the engraving dips that spelt his lover's name. He really loved the cartouche; it reminded Yugi that he belonged to Yami, and he didn't mind at all.


Yugi was brought out of his thoughts as a female called his name and he felt a force on his back, boobs being squished on his back. This didn't trouble him or make him embarrassed; he wasn't attracted to women so breasts didn't faze him. He looked and saw a smiling brunette. He smiled back. "Hello, Mana. How are you?" Then a thought occurred to him. "Aren't you supposed to be in lessons right now?"

Mana then ran around and plopped in front of Yugi, smiling brightly. "Mahad gave me the rest of day off since he had to work on last-minute party preparations. Also, Yami and Atem figured you and Heba would be feeling lonely and asked to grab you, Heba, Joey and Ryou and go visit Malik and just hang out. That way we're not all bored and lonely."

Yugi smiled. Yugi wasn't the only one in his group of friends that was feeling lonely; he figured that much. Since Seto was busy helping Yami and Atem with preparations, Joey was just helping with the food for the party. Heba had been helping organize Atem's study since the older twin would be staying the castle for a while to spend time with Yami; supposedly the study looked like a sandstorm went through it. As for Ryou, the poor Healer's Apprentice didn't have anything to do except organizing and cleaning the infirmary and helping with minor injuries; Isis was a High Priestess so she, like her five comrades, were helping with preparations for the party. Malik was probably really busy; after all, he was the dancing instructor for the Royal Dancers.

Yugi smiled. "I would love that. Shall we go pick the others up and go to the Dancer Room then?"

Mana smiled brightly and immediately grabbed Yugi's wrist, pulling him to find the first one on their list: Heba.


Since the first place they would reach on the way to the Dancer's Room was Atem's study, they decided to pick up Heba first. When they got in, they saw Heba trying to put a book on the top shelf and struggling since the slave was short like Yugi. Yugi tried to stop Mana from shouting but wasn't fast enough.


Heba yelped and started wobbling on the one foot he was balancing on. The book got hooked on the bookcase and Heba started falling backwards. Yugi, being the skilled ex-assassin he was, saw this in slow motion and moved fast. As the bookcase fell towards Heba, he jumped and pushed Heba out of the way, causing the bookcase to fall on his ankle.

Yugi screamed in pain.

Heba and Mana gasped. Mana immediately took out her wand and waving it, putting the bookcase upright and making the books float onto the shelves they belonged. She then ran over and helped Heba sit Yugi sit up against a wall.

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