Chapter Fourteen: Everywhere

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Atem and Yami sighed in impatience and irritation. Something was up and they knew it. Not only had the music not arrived yet, but they hadn't seen either of their lovers even though the slaves said they would come and wave at least. But they hadn't.

Yami turned to his left to face his father as Atem turned right; Atem was sitting to the left of the Pharaoh whilst Yami sat to the right. "Father, when will the musicians and dancers arrive?" He asked. Atem nodded, wanting to know the same.

"That is what I would like to know."

Atem and Yami turned to each other. So something was up! Yami turned back to his father. "Father, I would like to go see why Malik and the rest have yet to show. May I?" He asked.

"That won't be necessary, My Prince."

The three members of the Royal Family turned forward as Malik walked up and kneeled in front of them. A few people looked over. "I apologize for the wait, My Lords. We had some... complications. However, we have managed to solve the issues that came up. I would like the announce that the entertainment is ready." Aknamkanon nodded and Malik walked over to where a large curtain hung. He cleared his throat.

"My Lords and Ladies, if I may have your attention." Everyone looked over at Malik who sported a smile. "I apologize for the long wait. We had a few issues with our entertainment for the night but we were able to solve them. Tonight will be special since not only will there be music, but beautiful singing." This piqued everyone's interest; there usually wasn't singing at a party unless it was a wedding.

"I present to you tonight's entertainment: my Royal Dancers and musical talent of Ryou, Joey, Heba and Yugi!"

This caused Atem and Yami to freeze. They watched in shock as the curtain moved to reveal Yugi seated on a bench with Heba next to him, Ryou and Joey sitting on the floor on either side of the bench with dancers surrounding them. Heba held a guitar while Joey held a drum and Ryou held cello.


Yugi smiled. "Good evening everyone. I apologize for the long wait, but we're here and ready to perform now. We hope that you enjoy this performance. We dedicate this song and performance to the two princes whose birthday we are currently celebrating." Yugi smiled at the two princes. "We wish you a happy birthday, My Princes."

Yugi looked to Ryou who began playing. Yugi waited a few seconds before he began singing.

"Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that's drifting over me
And when I wake you're... You're never there
But when I sleep you're... You're everywhere"

Yugi paused and Ryou stopped playing.

"You're everywhere"

Ryou then began playing again and Heba joined him, stringing the strings of the guitar with grace. After a few seconds Yugi continued singing.

"Just tell me how I got this far
Just tell me why you're here and who you are
Cause every time I look, you're never there
And every time I sleep, you're everywhere"

Everyone stopped for a second before playing again, Joey joining in with the drums.

"Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes its you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone"

Yugi stopped singing and allowed the other three to play by themselves. After a few seconds, he joined the others once more.

"I recognize the way you make me feel
Its hard to think that you might not be real
I sense it now; the water's getting deep
I try to wash the pain away from me
Away from me"

The music got a bit more intense as they launched into another chorus, the group smiling at Yugi who was singing with his eyes closed. Unbeknownst to the royals in the room, Yugi was singing about a certain prince.

"Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes its you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone"

Yugi then stopped singing as the other three went into an instrumental. It was upbeat and everyone seemed to enjoy it, including the Pharaoh. Yugi added a few "ohs" into the instrumental to add a bit of kick. Finally the music calmed down and it was just Heba playing. Yugi opened his eyes and looked Yami dead in the eyes; to anyone else it would seem he was just looking at the crowd, but a select few knew his true eyesight.

"And when I touch your hand
Its then I understand
The beauty that's within
Its now that we begin
You always light my way
I hope there never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you so"

The music picked up for a final time as Yugi began singing the final chorus, the others joining to harmonize with him.

"Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes its you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone

"Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath, it's you I breathe
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone"

The music dimmed down for the final time as Heba was the only one playing and he and Yugi were the only ones singing. The two smiled and looked at the Princes.

"You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?"

Everyone froze as the group finished performing. During the whole time the group of four was playing, the dancers were dancing around the room to the beat. However everyone's soul attention was on Yugi.

Yugi smiled and bowed, the rest of the performers following suit. They watched carefully as Malik walked over and kneeled in front of the Pharaoh.

"Excellent song, Malik. I hope you perform the song again in the future."

"Actually, my Pharaoh, if I may." Aknamkanon raised an eyebrow. "The song is not mine, my king." Yugi froze as he realized what Malik was about to do. "The song belongs to Yugi, my leige."

Aknamkanon turned to Yugi, who stayed bowed due to his nerves. Aknamkanon nodded. "Then I must thank you, Yugi." Yugi blinked in surprise. "It is a beautiful song. My wife would have loved to hear you sing it, seeing as it sounds like it came from the heart."

Yugi blushed. "Thank you, my Pharaoh. Its an honor to receive your praise. I wish I could have performed it for the Queen. And it did come from the heart, my king, so I hope you enjoyed it."

The Pharaoh nodded. "Very much so. You may be dismissed to enjoy the party along with your friends. Take it as my gratitude for singing something filled with so much heart."

Yugi smiled. "Thank you, my lord."

Yugi then made a decision: no matter what, he would always sing from the heart.


A/N: Whoop! Second chapter! I actually have been wanting to write this chapter for awhile but hadn't gotten around to it until today. Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to my best friend FusionYuki. She's the one who not only introduced me to the song used in the chapter, but to PuzzleShipping in general. I love you, my Aibou. <3

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