Chapter Two

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~1 week later~
I'm running.

My bare feet are hitting hardwood floor as I run from a tall, scary figure. My breathing is heavy but I'm focused on making it out the wooden door ahead of me. I nearly make it to the door but then my toes start to sink in sand instead of hitting hardwood flooring. Panic rushes through my veins, my breath fighting the cold air as I look around and take in my surroundings.

Far in the distance, I see a group of people sitting around a fire. Maybe they can help me, I think to myself.

I run towards them but they seem to be getting further and further away, causing my heart to race and anxiety rush through my veins. I stop for a moment - to catch my breath - and next thing I know, I bolt forward.

My eyes open and I look around the room, seeing white walls and monitors, needles pricking my hands and arms and all I can think about is.

Where am I?


"We have just informed your family that you're awake. Here's your water." The blonde nurse kindly days, handing me the cup of water.

I smile softly at the fair skinned girl, taking a sip of the cool water as it runs down my dry throat. "Thanks.." I hoarsely say, clearing my throat from the grogginess.

The nurse smiles at me and nods, grabbing a clipboard and checking the machine next to me. "You seem to be doing good.." She trails off and I peer over to find her name tag - Zoie.

A yawn escapes my lips and I rub my face, resting my head against the soft pillow and trying to fight sleep.

"Doctor wants you to stay awake for at least four hours.." Zoie kindly reminds me and I nod, sitting up.

"Don't know how I'll be able to do that.." I mumble, running a hand through my knotted red locks.

"Don't worry, you will. There's a huge group of people waiting to see you." She says, walking around my bed and placing the clipboard in the little pocket on the end.

Huge group..? What..?

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I hoarsely say, using the little bit of strength I have to lift myself up into a more seated position.

"Chloee!" A kid with short hair says, running excitedly towards me.

"Uh, hi...?" I confusedly trail off, eyeing the odd boy.

"Seth, I told you that I wanted to go in first.." An older boy says, his russet skin glowing under then fluorescent lights.

Our brown eyes make eye contact and my heart flutters, butterflies swarming through my stomach as we just stare at each other intently.

"Hey Rose..." He says, offering me a small smile as he approaches me.

"Who's Rose...?" I slowly ask, bouncing my eyes between the nurse and the handsome man.

"I'll go get the doctor.." Zoie says, a look of terror crossing her face before rushing out of the white room.


I blink repeatedly, trying to make the small dots of light disappear from my vision as the doctor turns off the small flashlight he used to look at my eyes.

"It seems to me that Miss Matthews here is having memory loss... I'm not quite sure how severe it is but I suggest to take things slow for the next few days." The pale doctors says, writing some stuff on the clipboard on his lap.

"She can still go home tomorrow though, right?" Sam asks, a look of worry on his face. Ever since when did he care about me?

"We'll be certain if she can in a few hours. We just want to make sure there's no permanent damage in the brain." Dr. Carlisle says, clicking his pen before moving away from me.

The doctor whispers something to Sam, a look of sadness crossing both of their faces as Sam nods.

"I'll tell him. Thank you.." Sam drifts off as the doctor nods before leaving.

What was that about?


*Jacobs P.O.V*

"She doesn't remember anything?" I slowly ask for the fifth time, staring at the alpha of our pack.

Sam sighs, nodding his head once again as he looks around the room at the eager people waiting to see my imprint.

"Dr. Carlisle said that we shouldn't all go in and say hi. We need to take things slow." Sam says, looking at everyone but giving me a different look when he said 'slow'.

"She's.." I look around the room, seeing that no one is paying any attention to me before continuing, "my imprint. I can't not see her." I argue, giving Sam a look.

"Imagine if it were Emily instead of Chloee, Sam." I quickly add, pointing my finger at the girl.

Sam and Emily lock eyes and Sam sighs, rubbing a hand down his face.

"Fine. But there's only one way you can see her." He slowly says, crossing his arms.

Something tells me I'm not gonna like this...

"You're going to need to start all over. You need to go back to the day where you two first met." He slowly says, looking straight into my brown orbs before finishing.

"You need to pretend you've never met her."

A/N: Hey guys!! I know it's been a long time since I've updated but I've been super busy... Sorry!!!

I hope you liked this short, overdue, not the greatest chapter. Please let me know what you think!!!

Until next chapter,

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