Chapter Three

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I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror, examining my tiresome face through the foggy glass and sigh. It's been four days since I've woken, and I'm being released today. I've been slowly getting back on my own feet and getting used to walking around with a boot.

But boy, this boot is a pain to work around and shower in. Took me twice as long than it normally does. But, hey, I'm not complaining! It was a nice, relaxing shower; one that I've needed for a long time.

I quickly dry myself off, my wet hair placed in a bun, before putting on my bra and underwear - curtesy to Emily packing me clothes. I use my towel to wipe the steam off the mirror, catching a glimpse of my body.

My eyes trail down to my right arm, covered in bruises from it being shattered just like my right leg. Both have healed - however my leg is taking its precious time to heal all the way  - but I am bruised from the impact and it will take time to heal. I refocus my eyes to the stitches above my knee and across my stomach. Naturally, I bring my hand up and run it alongside the soon-to-be scar.

Someone knocks on the door, shaking me out of my thoughts and I quickly pull on the oversized green shirt from the duffle on the counter.

"Yeah?" I shout, pulling out the pair of leggings quickly and putting them on - placing my boot back on after - before letting my hair down to brush it.

"It's, uh, Jacob... Can I come in?" I raise my eyebrows, parting my hair quickly before opening the door.

"Yes?" I ask, looking at him as I aimlessly find my socks on the counter.

Jacob smiles, taking in my attire. "Uhh, just wanted to check and see if you were almost ready.

I quickly nod, grabbing the UGG boot - yes, only one - and trying to put it on quickly. "Ye-ah..." I stutter, hopping on one leg as I try to pull the boot on my left leg.

"Just about." I say, finally getting the shoe on after a few moments of pain. I quickly toss everything back in the duffle bag before picking it up by the handles - only for it to rip a part and everything to go everywhere.

Blood rushes to my cheeks as I bend down, trying to gather everything. "Sorry.." I mumble, tossing item after item in the bag.

Jacob chuckles, bending down to grab my hands and I look up at him. "It's okay, really." He smiles softly at me before grabbing the last little bit of everything and grabbing the bag.

"Come on." He says, guiding me out of the bathroom and I follow behind him as I take on deep breaths, trying to calm my heart.

Why am I so nervous all of the sudden?

I walk down the white hallway with Jacob, towards to white doors that leads me to freedom and I continue to take in deep breaths. Of course I'm living with Sam and his fiancé - Emily - but I'll figure out a way to leave. Might need to get a job first, but I'll go.

I just don't want to live there. I don't get why I even was or even why I stayed and didn't try to leave.

I walk into the waiting room, seeing Sam and Emily as we approach them. Both looking ready to head home and get a good nights sleep.

"Are you ready sweetie?" Emily asks and I nod, looking at Sam as he gives Jacob a knowing look.

I look at Jacob, only to see him shrug at Sam - a small smile on his face - before looking between me and Emily. "Ready?" He asks and we both nod.

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