Chapter Eight

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I couldn't sleep at all last night - not ever for a second. My mind was being consumed by overwhelming thoughts and every time I closed my eyes, the image of a man floods my vision. In that image, he has blood trailing down from the corners of his mouth and I'm lying limp in his arms; dead. I don't know about you, but that is a terrifying image that I don't want to attempt to fall asleep to.

So, here I am, sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard. My heavy eyes are trained on the window to my left as I watch the sun starting to rise - making the sky an ombre mix of pastel colors. I lean my head against the headboard, a sigh escaping my lips as I close my heavy lids, the image quickly coming back to view and I quickly reopen my eyes, scanning the empty room in a panic before releasing a breath that I didn't know I was holding in - this is what my nights been like. Fearfully scanning the room to make sure that I am okay. That I am safe.

Why am I having this image? Where is it coming from?

I rub my freckled face, scratching my head as I try to figure out and understand how and why and where this is coming from. Slowly, I move to the edge of the bed, my legs dangling before I push myself forward, pressing my feet against the floor as I stand up. I readjust my oversized sweatpants and pull down my tank top. I run my fingers through my ginger locks, trying to tame the curly mess before I slowly make my way to the door. I open the wooden door only to see a still, quiet house. Is Jacob still sleeping? Well, it is like 5am in the morning...

I roll my eyes at myself as I take in a deep breath, looking around the house before my feet guide me to the living room. I slowly enter the room, my eyes scanning the small space before landing on Jacobs makeshift bed. I smile softly at his sleeping frame, leaning against the wall next to me as I cross my arms. That can't be comfortable. He starts to shift his body around, his arms stretching over his head before rubbing his eyes. Slowly the russet boy sits up, a yawn escaping his mouth before snapping his eyes at me - almost like he knew I was standing there.

"Good morning." He smiles softly, patting a seat next to him.

I smile back before pushing myself off the wall, happily taking the spot he offered to me.

"Morning.." I softly say, a yawn following after.

Jacobs eyes examine my face, his eyes full of concern. "You look like you didn't sleep much.." He slowly says and I sigh.

"Try not at all." I say, yawning again as I lean against the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Why not?" He asks, copying my actions and I shake my head.

"My mind won't shut up and I keep having the same nightmare over and over again." I simply say.


"Mhmm.." I yawn again, closing my eyes but, of course, the image clouds my vision and I quickly reopen them.

There's a moment of silence as Jacob thinks about what to say next. Almost having a mental fight with himself before he decides what to say and do.

"Come here.." He softly says, his arms open.

I look at him and his open arms, thinking about what to do. Without a second thought,I scootch closer to him, resting my head on his strong chest as his muscular arms wrap around my small frame, pulling me down with him. I sigh, moving around to make myself comfortable - being smushed between the back of the couch and a muscular dude isn't the most comfortable thing in the you can imagine how hard it's going to be to actually make myself comfortable. I feel Jacobs chest rumble under my head and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up.." I quietly mumble.

"I didn't say anything.." He quickly responds before bringing his hands to my waist.

In one swift movement, Jacob moves me from my position to laying right on top of him, my left leg is between both of his and my right leg is wrapped around his left one. I sigh softly, nuzzling my head under his chin, my ear pressed against his chest. Jacob starts to rub my back slowly, causing my heart to race from his touch. I take in a deep breath in attempt to calm my heart as I slowly close my eyes, the image popping back up and I quickly open my eyes again, swinging my left leg to the other side of his right leg before pushing myself up. I rub my face before resting my hands on his stomach, slowly coming to realization that I'm currently straddling him. My brown orbs meets Jacobs, a small smirk on his face before he sits up, causing me to be repositioned and sit down closer to his - well - lower region.

I raise my eyebrows, looking at him as he smiles back at me, his hands resting on my lower back. "You need to sleep.." He slowly says, rubbing my lower back with his thumbs.

"Thanks captain obvious, but I can-"

"-Shh.. You need to close your eyes and just focus on my heartbeat, okay? Just listen to my heart beating. I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you. I got you." He sweetly says as his eyes sincerely look into mine.

I slowly nod as I let him pull me back down, resting my head back on his chest and repositioning my left leg back between his. Jacob starts to rub my back again, my eyes growing heavy before I close them, focusing on the beat of his heart as I try to rid the image from my head. The sound of his heart and his arms holding me close against him makes me feel safe somehow. It's like nothing can hurt me when I'm in his arms and, somehow, I'm happy with that.

I smile softly as Jacob gently rubs my back for a few moments before wrapping his arms back around my small frame, holding me closer to him before rubbing my back again. I rub my face against his chest, listening to his heart beating slowly and softly - calming my nerves and making me feel safe. The last thing I remember is Jacob kissing the top of my head before I finally let sleep consume me.

This boy.....


A/N: Hey guys!

So, I know that this chapter was small but I hope that you liked the simplicity of it. I'm hoping that with this chapter, I'll be able to start bringing in small bits of Chloee getting her memory back. I don't know how I'll do that or even if I'll let her retrieve all of her missing memory, but I hope that you will just hang in there as I continue to write this book and try and making is as good as you hope for it to be!

Please, give me your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section. I really do enjoy reading what you have to say! (And it also encourages me to keep writing - no matter how long it takes me to post another chapter... (; !)

Until next chapter,


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