Chapter Ten

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"So, remember anything else?" Emily whispers, curiosity in her eyes.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, a soft laugh escaping my lips.

After breakfast, the boys went out for a bit and left the two of us on the couch. We've been talking about anything that came to mind - including what happened earlier at Jacob's.

"If I do-" I start but am quickly cut off.

The boys walk in from their little outing, some of them laughing and pushing each other while the others roll their eyes at their childlike behavior. 

My eyes find Jacob and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, my heart pounding faster as his eyes find mine.

"Aww..." Emily quietly coos and I snap my head at her, shaking my head.

"Shut up." I giggle, pushing her gently. "I feel like we're in the schoolyard gossiping about boys." I inwardly groan, covering my face as I let myself fall backwards against the couch.

"We are!" She giggles, hovering over me before lowering her voice again, "And he's staring at you!"

My eyes widen, quickly getting up. "Emily!" I shout as she lands on the floor, making everyone turn their attention to us. 

I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh as Emily gives me a glare and slowly gets up.

"Em! Are you okay?" Sam quickly asks, rushing over to her to make sure she's not hurt.

"I'm fine." Emily reassures him and I slowly stand up.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, trying to contain my giggles.

She shakes her head, gently shoving me. "Sure.." She sarcastically says as she passes me.

I look at my brother, giving him a cringe worthy smile before turning around and - you've probably guessed it - bumping into someones hard chest.

I close my eyes, groaning inwardly yet again, before looking up at the person. Jacob. I smile softly at him as I feel his arms wrap around my waist, keeping me close to him.

"Hi..." I softly say, our eyes staring into each others.

"Hey." His husky voice simply says, a smile spreading across his face.

Jacobs eyes flash back and forth between my lips and my eyes before he slowly starts to lean in. Curiosity clouds my mind as I tilt my head a little, trying to figure out what he's doing. The memory of this morning quickly enters my curious mind and my eyes widen, understanding what his movements mean.

"So," I start, quickly getting out of his grasp and moving around him, "what did you guys do this morning?" I finish, crossing my arms as I make my way towards Emily.

Emily gives me a sad, confused look as I give her an awkward smile before turning around and seeing a confused Jacob - along with all the other boys confused faces. Did he tell them?

I couldn't help but let my mind wander off back to the kiss. Was he in a bet to see if he could get close enough to me to let him kiss me? Was I just a call girl? Was I someone he used when he needed a booty call? If so, that explains what Emily said earlier. About us not being in a relationship and that what we were was complicating.

Not this time.

I huff, shaking my head as I look back up to a confused Jacob - whose eyes are fixated on me as if he was trying to understand what just happened and what's going through my mind. 

"What happened?" Emily whispers as Sam continues to answer my question.

"I figured it out, that's what." I whisper back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head before meeting Emily's brown orbs again.

"And I can't stay at Jacobs anymore. I need to get out." I quickly say, but louder.

As soon as I said that, all eyes were directed to me and all I could do was glare at Jacob.

*Jacob's P.O.V*

"And I can't stay at Jacobs anymore. I need to get out."

I quickly turn my gaze to Sam, trying to see if he could understand anymore about what's going on than I can.

First, this morning I woke up to her tracing patterns on my shirt and a smile on her face. We were going to make breakfast and when I got close to her, I couldn't help but lean in to kiss her. And she kissed me back! Now, she want's nothing to do with me. Emily in no way could've told her terrible things about me. Emily want's us back together. 

At least I think she does.

"Uhh, why?" Embry asks the obvious question that's sitting at the tip of our tongues. 

"Because I know." Chloee says, her brown eyes glaring at me. "And I won't let it happen anymore." Her voice firm, every word rolling off her tongue with complete hatred towards me.

"Chloee-" I start softly, taking a few steps closer to her.

As soon as I said her name, her heart skipped a beat. As soon as I took a few steps closer to her, her heart started racing. The rhythm of her heart is like music to my ears and I couldn't help but cling onto the small hope that somewhere deep inside her she knows she belongs with me.

Once I'm within arms distance from her, her fierce eyes soften as mine search hers. Slowly, I lift my hands to touch her fragile arms, squeezing them gently as I pull her closer to me.

"Tell me what I did and I'll fix it." I gently request, bending down so I can see her at eye level.

I hear her heart flutter at my touch, her breath get caught in her throat as I bring her closer to my chest. Her once cold arms are now warm due to my touch and she doesn't remember why, but every inch of her wants to be closer to me - I can sense that and I want that too. But I can't do that if she's trying to push me away.

All I get is silence. Her orbs are just staring into mine and she hasn't dared to move an inch. I close my eyes, letting my head fall as I try and rack my brain to figure out what's wrong. I've been trying to be so careful with my imprints heart and at this moment, I feel like I've failed.

"Jacob," Rose softly starts, her voice gentle and sweet. The way my name rolls off her tongue makes my heart ache for her to be closer to me. "You can't fix this. Not this time, at least." She finishes in a firm voice, getting herself out of my grasp before walking out of the door.

My eyes watch her ginger locks run out of the small, wooden house as Emily runs after her. Slowly, I look around the room and my confused state meets everyone else's. 

What did I do? What just happened?


A/N: Dun, dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnn!

I'm back! So sorry this took so long to update, but it's better late than never...right?

Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? How badly are you screaming at Chloee to get her head on straight? How sad do you feel for Jacob? Give me your thoughts in the comment section below!

Until next chapter,


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