Chapter Five

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It's been days since I've been downstairs or saw anyone. Ever since the memory of my mom came back, I've been devastated and just wanted to be alone. Emily's brought up food and tried to get me to eat, but it's like I'm numb. It's like I'm a robot. I go to sleep the same time every night, wake up the same time every morning, and do the same thing everyday: sit on my bed, stare out the window, cry, shower the pain away, sit on my bed while staring out the window before crying myself to sleep. It seems to have become my routine. One that I just can't shake.

I don't even flinch when someone enters the room. It's like I don't even know they entered, attempted to talk to me, then leaves. I'm stuck in my own miserable world and I don't know how to get out of it.

But Today I feel like it could be different. I need it to be different. I need to make it different some way, some how.

It's 5am and I'm wide awake. I had the same scary dream like I have been for the past few nights: the dream of me losing my mom. I'm just staring at my ceiling, trying to figure out ways to change my robotic routine.

I could probably try and be productive. Maybe have breakfast with everyone today. I think to myself as I tap my fingers against my stomach.

Maybe I could do that.

Slowly, I get out of bed and start to pace my room in my lilac fuzzy socks, shorts, and over-sized sweater. More thoughts swarm my mind as I gather my curly red locks and place them in a messy bun. I look out the bay window, over-looking the scenery with my bottom lip between my teeth. What to do, what to do.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I turn around, crossing my arms. I let my eyes wander around my room, slowly trying to piece together this impossible puzzle in my head. Nothing is making sense. I still don't understand why I'm here or remember a thing..

Maybe I'm just better off staying in my room.

I look at my dresser and see a knocked down picture frame. My eyebrows bunch together as I walk over to the tall piece of furniture, picking up the frame and placing it in its rightful place. Without a second thought about the frame, I turn my body to walk back to my bed when my elbow hits it, knocking it over and making it fall to the ground.

I mumble profanities under my breath, carefully tiptoeing around the broken glass before bending down to gather the wooden frame. I take a closer look at the frame and see the picture inside it - my mom, John, Sam, and me. A soft smile spreads across my face as I take in the picture; one that took forever to take because Sam kept pushing me out of the shot or did a silly face.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I stand up and place the picture back on the dresser. My eyes wander over the wooden floor, the many broken pieces scattered across it and I slowly walk around the mess. I make my way across the room, slowly and quietly opening the door before leaving the walls that have been a comfort to me since the day I stepped foot in this house.

I shake myself out of my thoughts as I quietly make my way down the hall and the stairs - I need to get a broom... I think to myself as I land my feet on the last step. Where would the broom be? I question, wishing that I had a better idea as to where it would be.

Kitchen? That's where everyone keeps theirs, right? I shrug to myself before walking through the dining room and into the kitchen.

"Uh...." I quietly say as I examine the small room. I walk over towards the fridge to see if it was off to the side but no luck. A pout forms on my lips, my hands finding a spot on my hips as I slowly turn around and come face to face - more like face to chest to a dark figure.

A gasp leaves my lips as I jump, nearly falling backwards if it weren't for the arm that caught me. My hand is over my chest, trying to calm the pounding against my ribs as I try to catch my breath.

"Geez, Chloee, you're clumsier than I remember." I hear a deep voice chuckle and I squint, trying to see the face of the man who scared the living daylights out of me.


"And what are you doing here at 5 in the morning?!" I hiss, pushing him away before crossing my arms.

Jacob raises his hands, a smile on his face. Why is he always so happy? "The guys and I spent the night here. We were all watching a movie and passed out."

I squint my eyes at him, trying to tell if he was speaking the truth or not when another figure comes into view. Great.

"What's going on in here?"

"Don't worry about it, Seth. Go back to bed." Jacob instructs, looking at the young boy before redirecting his gaze onto me.

I watch as Seth leaves the room, no doubt reclaiming an uncomfortable spot to go back to sleep on before I meet Jacobs gaze.

"Okay, so you spent the night here. Still doesn't explain why you're up at 5am." I bite back, leaning against the fridge as I examine his attire - or should I say, lack of attire.

"I heard a noise and wanted to see what it was." He responds, shrugging his shoulders as he leans against the counter behind him.

I slowly nod, looking around the room as I remind myself what I came down here for. Maybe he will know where the broom is...

"Do you by any chance know where Emily keeps the broom?" I ask, keeping my voice quiet.

Jacob gives me a look as he tilts his head, shrugging his shoulders. "Not a clue."


"Okay, well, thanks for no help." I sarcastically say before pushing myself off of the fridge and letting my feet guide me out of the room.

"Why do you ask?" He quickly asks, causing me to slowly turn around and look into his eyes.

In that moment, I realize how he truly makes me feel. Nervous, to the point where my knees buckle just with him giving me one look. My heart flutters when he says my name but my heart races when he's in the room. When our eyes meet, I feel heat rush to my cheeks and butterflies swarm my stomach. He makes me nervous and I don't have a clue why. Good thing he can't tell... I think to myself as I take in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

"No reason.." I quietly say, not being able to find my voice before I quickly turn around and walk back up the stairs.

I was better off staying in my room.
A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the late update... I feel really bad!

I hope, though, that this chapter was worth the wait! I know it's not necessarily the best but it's something, right? I'm still trying to figure out where I want this to go. I have some ideas but I don't know if I like them or not.

Anyways, leave your thoughts in the comment section! If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with me! And don't forget to vote (:

Love you all!

Until next chapter,

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