Chapter Four

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"Chloee, sweetie, it's time to wake up."

I hear a soft voice whisper in my ear as their hand gently rubs my arm. I force one eye to open, coming face to face with Emily - my "brothers" fiancé.

I smile softly at the tanned girl, forcing myself to sit up as I lean against the middle of the car with my arm for support. Slowly, I step out of the truck as I examine the cabin house - a large one might I add. Quickly I stretch my arms and legs before following everyone up the porch steps and inside.

Warmth covers my cold face as I enter the wooden house, a table to the left of me and a kitchen not far from it. I look up and I notice a sign hanging from the ceiling saying:

"Welcome Home Chloee!"

I smile softly and look down, a feeling of discomfort washing over me as I feel bad for not remembering a thing. Part of me doesn't want to - I just want to get out of here and never look back.

Sam and Jacob take seats at the table as I just awkwardly stand by the doorway - but not too close, thankfully. Because moments after our arrival, the door swings open, a bunch of people letting themselves in before taking a seat at the table. I watch quietly, my heart pounding against my chest as more people escort themselves in - not a face being recognized.

I look across the room, spotting Emily and she gives me a soft smile as she see's the look of terror in my eyes.

'Go upstairs. Your room is at the end of the hallway.' She quickly mouths and I quickly nod before manuvering myself around the large crowd.

"Chloee!" Someone shouts my name as I take one step on the stairs. I turn my head, examining the crowd when I see someone waving frantically at me - a young man with dark hair and a bright smile.

"It's good to see you awake and doing well." He adds and I smile softly, nodding - confused as to who this is but not bothering to ask.

"Uh, if you could excuse me. I'm pretty tired and would like to get to bed.." I trail off, locking eyes with Jacob momentarily before directing my eyes elsewhere.

"Yeah, yeah.. Go ahead! I'll see you later." The young man says, a wide smile on his face.

I offer him a smile back before quickly climbing the stairs and moving my way around the rail and down the hall. Before I know it, I'm standing before the door that supposedly leads to my room - the room I've been living in for months.

I muster up enough courage to push the wooden door open, revealing a beautiful room. My made bed right before me, a large window to my right - a nice cozy room that just screams my name. Slowly, I enter the room as I examine it before noticing the packed suitcases on the floor. Was I planning on leaving? I ask myself, eyeing the bags.

I sigh quietly to myself, wondering why my mom would let me leave the comfort of my home to live here and not with her. My right hand finds my forehead, quickly rubbing the imaginary headache that I'm getting from all these questions. There's got to be an answer here somewhere...

The thought crossed my mind a few times but I'm actually in my room to find the answer. So, eagerly, I start to open every possible drawer to see if there's a letter or a note - something that will tell me why.

That's when I found it.

An moms? I stare at the paper, examining the date, picture, name. It seems legit - but it can't be. I was just with her..wasn't I?

My heart is pounding against my rib cage, my mind going frantic as I try to tell myself it's not true - it can't be true. I go over every memory I have of my mom, none of them holding the evidence that she is dead. How can this be true?

Before I know it, tears are streaming down my cheeks as the thought sinks in once more. Me going through the tragedy once again. The pain coming back and stabbing me in the heart.

I clutch the paper in my right hand as I turn around, marching down the hallway and towards the stairs. My feet pound against the hardwood floor, more tears streaming down my face.

"Is it true?" I ask no one in particular, but my eyes finds Sam as I continue to squeeze the paper.

"Is what true?" Sam slowly asks and I huff, squeezing my eyes shut.

"That my moms..." I squeeze my mouth shut, shaking my head as I sink to the floor. "...she's dead, isn't she?" I quietly ask, staring at the man I call my step brother.

"Oh Bee..." He sighs, walking over to me and embracing me in a hug.

"Did you just...?" I slowly ask, sniffing as I look up at him.

Sam nods, smiling softly before kissing me on the head. "You're her little bee - always buzzing around."

I crack a smile, nodding. "I was always buzz-y." I giggle, wiping my face.

I feel his chest rumble, squeezing me gently. "Yes you were."

I sigh, anger rushing through my veins once again as I push myself away from Sam, running a hand through my hair. "No. Don't call me that." I firmly state, not wanting anyone but my mom to call me that. "It's something my mom calls me, no one else." I raise my voice, rubbing my tiresome face.

"I hate this..." I whisper, staring at the paper once more before standing up and dropping it on him. "I can't do this!" I shout at him.

"First, I don't remember any of this or any of you -" I start, flailing my arms everywhere. "Next, I didn't remember that my own mom died." I finish, giving a sad look to Sam.

"I don't know what else I can handle." I quickly add before turning around and running up the stairs, down the hall, and to my room.

I hear the faint cries of my name, the sound of footsteps following me but I quickly slam the door closed, locking it behind me.

Tears once again fill my eyes as I look around my room - the life I once has being forgotten with it. Angrily I throw my bags across the room, tear my bed apart, and push things off my desk before falling to the floor.

The only sound leaving my room are my cries of help.

A/N: Hey guys!

So sorry for the late chapter... I've been too caught up with work and Christmas I haven't had time to sit and relax.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it isn't much but I hope it will be enough to keep me writing and you guys reading (:

Leave comments and don't forget to vote!

Love you all <3 Until next chapter,

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