Chapter Seven

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"What are you looking at?" Sam angrily says, his eyes glaring at me.

I raise my hands in defense before getting up and walking towards him. "You."

I smirk at him, walking around his strong body before walking up the stairs. I hear him grumble behind me before following me up.

"If you want to know what that argument was about, you're not going to find out." He snaps, making me raise my eyebrows before turning around.

"I didn't. But now I do and you have yourself to thank for that." I snap back before turning back around and walking towards my room.

Sam follows behind me, stopping for a moment to open the small hall closet to grab a couple bags before following me into my room.

"You have to stay with him for a while." He mumbles before tossing the bags on my bed. "Don't pack lightly." He finishes before turning around and slamming the door shut, causing me to jump.

What's going on?


*Jacobs P.O.V*

"But its okay if she stays, right?" I gently ask my dad as he wheels around our small house.

Something big is happening and it took me hours to convince Sam that she's safer with me than at his place. Chloee is safer with me - she is my imprint after all.

"This girl has been through so much. She should stay with Leah." My dad says for the fifteenth time since I've brought up the idea to him.

A sigh escapes my lips as I stop in my tracks, "Dad, you know how important it is that she stays with me." I quietly say, rubbing my tiresome face.

"Fine. As long as your start sleeping at night and keep the house clean, she can stay." My dad agrees, patting my leg before wheeling out of the house and going with Charlie on a fishing trip.

Since the accident, I haven't been able to sleep due to nightmares. I keep beating myself up over it and thinking of millions of ways that I could've prevented her from getting hurt. Then I found out she lost her memory. I sit outside her window every night in fear that she's just going to pack up and leave. This girl is making me lose sleep and I'm completely okay with that. I just need my Rose back and I'll do whatever to make sure that I'll get her back - or at least one version of her.

I shake my head, getting rid of my thoughts before I start running around the house and start straightening up. Considering it's just my dad and I here, there's not much to do. Which gives me the perfect amount of time to turn my room into a place where she will feel most comfortable in - or at least I hope it will be.

I start to empty my drawers, putting all my clothes in a duffel bag and clear out most of my closet - giving her more than half of it to hang her own clothes in. I'll just put my clothes in my dads room for the time being. Anything to help her feel more at home.

As I start to pull down posters of monster trucks or my favorite wrestlers, my phone rings and the name that pops up on the screen is Sam's.

"Hello?" I answer, pressing my phone against my ear with my shoulder as I gently take down the posters, rolling them up before tying a rubber band around them.

"She doesn't look too happy but we're packing up her clothes in the truck. We should be there soon." Sam grumbles, no doubt frustrated that I'm right and he isn't.

"Okay." I respond, trying not to sound too chipper about the situation.

"I swear Black, if you try to do anything-"

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