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She could hear them,

She could see them,

but they couldn't hear her.

She tried whispering,

she tried shouting,

they still couldn't hear her voice.

She felt trapped, helpless, not heard.

She felt scared, lost, not understood.

She was sick of lying helpless.

She was sick of the white sterile rooms.

She was sick of the tears,

the faces filled with sorrow.

She was sick of the needles,

poking and prodding her body.

She was sick of the doctors,

day in and day out,

running tests on her.

But there was nothing she could do about it.

She couldn't get up,

She couldn't comfort her family,

her friends.

She couldn't leave her room.

She couldn't say anything.

She couldn't feel anything.

She was Tess,

and she felt alone.

*Is on a stage. Waves dramatically. Falls of stage.*

Um... the floor just needed a hug... it was lonely...

So I started to get tired of having to write lomg chapters, so I decided to make a kind of short short, with short chapters!!

Please comment, vote, share, what ever you want (maybe hug the floor).

Thanks for reading (and hugging the floor),

Me (still on the floor)!

Um guys... still on the floor here. Anyone?? No? Ok then...

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