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He walked to through the hospital door,

he signed in at the desk in the lobby, 

 and then walked down the hallway.

She watched him amble down the hallway,

shoulders broad, a pep in his step, 

and confidence rolling off of him in waves. 

He gets to my door and hesitates. 

She frown,

"Am I  really that frightening"?

He puts his hand out,

laying it on the door handle and pressing down. 

He pushes the door open and walks in,

sitting down in the chair to my left. 

She sit up and look at him,

waiting for him to explain. 

He looks at her.

Lying in the bed,

her pale face blending in with the sheets.

The only thing standing out is her black hair,

splayed out around her, 

so dark against the white pillow. 

He grabs her hand,

holding it in a firm grasp,

as though if he lets go, 

she will slip away.

He takes a deep breath and then opens his mouth. 

She leans closer wanting to hear what he has to say.

"I know you can hear me, 

and I know you are listening."

He says slowly. 

"I hope you know that I am genuinely sorry,"

He pauses for a millisecond. 

"for what is happening to you."

She leans back. 

She knows he is not going to say anything else. 

She looks at him,

she can see it in his eyes. 

He is genuinely sorry. 

The door opens, 

the boy jumps in his seat.  

The doctor marches in,

followed by her family.

She pales and looks at them. 

"What are they doing here?" 

She thinks. 

The doctor looks at everyone,

now crowded into the small white room.

He says in a grave voice,

"Tessa is not improving. 

I haven't seen any improvements in Tess for 2 weeks. 

I'm afraid if I don't see any improvements in her,

I'm going to have to cut her off." 

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