The 7th Dragon

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    A/N: Soooo....hey. I know I'm a major hypocrite for putting an author note on here because I never read them on anyone else's stories. But, yeah. This is my 1st story. I want ya'll to know that I write for fun, so I really don't care if you hate my story. I'm not forcing you to read it. Comments are nice though. Vote or Fan if you want to, just know I'm always looking for ways to make my story better. Please don't send me any hate messages, only constructive critisim!

    Now, I promise that the romance and stuff will be in here as the story moves along. My story may be a bit slow at first but I have to set up the plot and all that fun stuff. I'm mostly a dramatic writer, so there probably won't be a lot of comedy unless pranks are being pulled or comebacks are being made. So now that I've said my piece, read on...


      I ran through the towering flowers in search of the tall, blonde girl that was my best friend. We were playing tag, and unfortunatly, I was it. But as I surveyed the land, Lia was nowhere to be found. She was always the best at hiding. I stamped my foot in frustration, where was she? Suddenly, as from the heavens themselves, an idea came to me and I quickly burrowed down into the tangle of weeds. “Lia!” I screamed, trying my best to sound panicked.

     “Did you trip again?” she shouted back. I was never the most graceful 2nd grader, but at times it came in handy. I didn’t answer, hoping to finally get a chance to tag someone. Sure enough, when Lia carefully crept out from her hiding spot, she spotted me, but instead of running away, she simply stared. Her blue eyes widened and a look of horror washed over her beautiful features. Her floral dress billowed against her tan skin as her body froze into place. I had never seen anyone look that terrified.

            “Well it looks like today is going to be a good day," a rough voice emitted from behind me.

            I spun around to find that the rough voice came from a short, menacing man. A soft thud echoed behind me and I looked back to see Lia sprawled on the ground. The man laughed cruelly, then swept past me and reached out a grimy hand to grab Lia. Fury swept over me. How dare he touch my best friend? With as much control as I could muster, I crossed to him and swatted his hand away. The man yelped out in surprise and pain but quickly recovered and laughed in my face. “We got ourselves a feisty one here, now don’t we.”

            “Don’t you lay a hand on her,” I said, attempting to curb the venem in my voice. My words ended up coming out as a growl and I was surprised at how I sounded. It was so different from my normal voice, and I flinched at how fearsome I sounded (at least to myself). The man seem to take much notice of that though. He mearly turned as though he was going to ignore me. I growled. How dare he ignore me? My stance shifted until my knees were bent with my feet far apart, facing to the side. My torso twisted to face the man but my shoulders remained square and my face was contorted with rage. His face was curious, and slightly amused, as though he wanted to laugh at my attempts to protect my friend. 

            I was horrified and confused with the sudden turn of events. My body seemed to have a mind of it's own, and I couldn't control my movements. I had never fought anyone before, especially a grown man, on the inside, I was panicing.  But none of it could show if I was going to protect my friend, my best friend. The only one I had. While my heart was still beating no harm would come to the only child who was ever genuinely kind to me.

           As I watched, the man stared at me, obviously trying to contain his laughter. My frown deepened and I openly scowled at him. Suddenly, his expression changed from amused to absolute terror. Was my scowl that terrifying? Secretly, I was pleased with myself. Then I noticed a feathery tingling had erupted all over my body.

            Strongest over my heart, and quickly spreading, was a glow of colors. Through my white T-shirt I could see what looked like tattoos moving gracefully over my body. What looked like, dragons were dancing and swirling over my body. Eight of them, each a different color, played and wrapped themselves comfortably over my skin. As they danced, fire streamed from thier mouths that made moving pattern that much more amazing to watch.

As I watched, I noticed a slight shimmering of my skin, no, it wasn't my skin, it was another dragon, a white one, that was hard to see against my pale skin. This one seemed different then the others, like minuscule diamonds were flowing and shaping themselves over every perfect detail of the amazing creature tickling my skin. The light refracting off those diamonds was so pure it was hard to look at.

             One dragon was darker then the others, while they immited light, this one seemed to sucke in all the light, making it appear to be an abyss of nothingness. I couldn’t help but watch as it circled edge of my waist, up along my torso and my upper body before nestling into place.

            I watched the beautiful lights admiting from my body. I didn't know what they were, or how they got there, but they just felt right. Suddenly I sensed a presence behind me, a quick glance up confermed my fears. It was the man. He raised a thick plank of wood and brought it down with a loud swoosh. Pain exploded through my skull and I could feel blood sliding down my face. Then everything went black.

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